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Blog Post Archives


  1. Happy Holidays!

    We hope you enjoy the new decorations we have up around the site to celebrate the season. Also, be sure to stop by the shop to have a look at the incredible deals we have available right now, and don’t forget about free shipping for ALL online orders. There’s never been a better time to go for that big gift that will knock their fuzzy green and red socks off... read more »

  2. These Are Strange Times

    Platinum at its high was $2,252 now is under $1,000 per ounce, at the time of this writing. This is a golden opportunity for any one wishing to trade into platinum jewelry. Arden Jewelers can makeover your jewelry into platinum at the best value compared to gold ever. I don’t know how long this will last, but if platinum was ever a dream of yours or hers, now is the time to take advantage of these strange times. We can also take your used or broken gold or platinum as... read more »

  3. Custom Design Trillion Sapphire Ring with flush set diamonds top view

    Groundbreaking New Designs

    Arden Jeweler’s custom design specialist and jewelry CAD artist Angelo Parisi has been producing some cutting edge designs lately that we just had to share with you. Angelo was inspired by the displays he saw while walking the JCK Jewelry Show, and he has taken some of the gems he purchased there and turned them into world class designs. We don’t have space here to show you all of the new designs that Angelo has produced, but you can check them out at our design gallery. For those of you... read more »

  4. JCK Las Vegas logo

    Jewelry Industry Gathers in Las Vegas

    This weekend, over 20,000 of the world’s top jewelry companies are gathering in Las Vegas for the JCK jewelry show. Jewelry retailers explore the latest trends and attend some of the year’s most exciting and informative special events. Some of this years events include appearances by hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons, Miss France Valerie Begue, and “American Gladiators” star Mike O’Hearn. Also, one the industry’s preeminent diamond experts, Martin Rapaport will deliver his “State of the Diamond Industry” address. Angelo, Arden Jeweler’s custom design specialist, is attending the JCK show this... read more »

  5. A computer rendering of a doctors stethoscope

    Give Your Jewelry Regular Check-Ups…Really

    A diamond may be forever, and gold may be a precious metal, but that doesn’t mean that your jewelry won’t wear with time. Routine wear can actually take quite a toll on jewelry: white gold starts to look yellow, scuff marks dull the once bright finish, valuable diamonds and gemstones come loose, and on and on. As with most items of value, the best approach with jewelry is preventative maintenance. Don’t wait until your diamond is on the verge of falling out to have your jewelry looked at. It’s not... read more »

  6. Fancy red diamond

    Fancy Color Diamonds

    When we think of diamonds, we often imagine brilliantly white gemstones. But every so often, a diamond will come out of the ground in vivid color. These diamonds are extremely rare, accounting for only 0.001% of the total number of rough diamonds that are mined. Because of this, they are often far more expensive than normal diamonds. The range of colors in hue and intensity takes most people by surprise. The intensity of color in fancy color diamonds is described using the following terms: Faint, Very Light, Light, Fancy Light... read more »

  7. Platinum Price Chart Feb 2008

    Jewelry Appraisals Over 3 Years Old May be Greatly Undervalued

    Gold and Platinum has dramatically increased in value in the past 5 years. Gold in one year had a low of $637 per troy ounce and high of $978 and climbing. Platinum in the same year had a low of $1,168 per ounce to $2,169 and souring higher. The five year low and high is even greater. Gold’s low was $322 and now is over $978 and Platinum’s low was $602 and has climbed over $2,169. If the jewelry item’s value was due in large part to gold or platinum... read more »

  8. How to Sell Your Jewelry

    Selling jewelry is not a skill that comes naturally to most people. There can be a lot of money tied up in old, estate jewelry that is not longer wanted or even broken, but getting it out isn’t always easy and the potential of being taken advantage of is high. To help, I’ve put together an in-depth article on the art of successfully selling jewelry. Here are some of the key points that you shouldn’t try to sell your jewelry without knowing. The determining factors of estate jewelry price are... read more »

  9. The Truth About Synthetic Gems

    One of the most intimidating subjects for new comers to the jewelry industry is synthetic gems, so I figured I’d start with a quick explanation of the subject. Here’s an excerpt from an article I wrote: Man made gems come in many forms. Every thing from simple glass to plastic to high tech chemical tongue twister like gadolinium gallium garnet (also called GGG) and the modern diamond simulant moissanite, a man made silicon carbide. In gemology, any material used to look like a gem is called a simulant. So clear... read more »