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How to Sell Your Jewelry

What you need to know the get the most for your gold, diamonds, and jewelry

In a hurry? Visit us today to get a free value appraisal of your jewelry. Or, learn how KCRA 3 got more for their jewelry when they came to us.

Which is more fun, getting a root canal, paying your taxes, or selling your jewelry? Not much of a choice, but following is some knowledge that can take the frustration out of selling your jewelry. And answer the hard questions like: Will I receive a fair price for my jewelry? Or did I pay too much?

The two critical areas of knowledge to get the best price for your jewelry are the factors that determine the value of estate jewelry and the options to liquidating it. Does this mean you have to become a gemologist just to sell your jewelry? No. But some homework and note taking can mean a much higher price paid for your jewelry. Let’s start with what determines the value of estate jewelry.

Estate is a general term used to describe previously owned. That fact is one of the determining factors. Preowned jewelry by in large is not as valuable as new. Some people will never buy a previous owned engagement set for superstitious reasons. I have had clients who could have saved hundreds of dollars if they would have bought a preowned ring, but refused.

Jewelry is a style driven industry. Some styles are classic and stay around for decades, others last just a few months. Estate jewelry that is out of style can’t command premium price. In fact some styles are so out of favor that the jewelry’s only value is its intrinsic worth. The other extreme is that the jewelry could be antique. Antique jewelry is highly collectible and may require a specialty option to sell. Knowing if your jewelry is just old and out of style or an antique can mean the difference of hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.

Remember you don’t get paid for the jewelry in relation to what you paid but the condition and demand when you sell.

Condition is a major determining factor of the price received for your jewelry. Damaged and broken jewelry many times justify the restoration costs but most of the time damaged jewelry is only valued at its intrinsic worth. Jewelry repair in many instances is counter-intuitive. I have seen jewelry that has been mangled in such a way that the cost of restoration is minor and easily justified. On the other hand what appeared to be an insignificant problem rendered the jewelry unrestorable. Jewelry repair is one area you don’t want to be a “do it yourselfer”. Let the professionals do it, or it could end up costing you a ton of money.

Worn out jewelry impacts the value. It is a difficult repair to bring life back into a piece of jewelry. Most worn out jewelry is valued at its intrinsic worth.

Jewelry looks it’s best when cleaned. Properly clean your jewelry before showing it around. If you do not know the 100% correct way to clean your piece of jewelry let a professional jeweler clean it for you. Some jewelry stores may even clean it for free. Warning: the wrong cleaning can damage and even destroy jewelry. If your are unsure of how to clean the jewelry or gem, let the professionals do it.

Here are some cleaning tips. Never clean gold and gems in chlorine. Ammonia based cleaning products are used throughout the jewelry industry, but they can damage some gems. Try and avoid them if you can and know for certain if they well not hurt the gems in your jewelry. Use a mild soap with warm water and a soft toothbrush, then rinse thoroughly for most jewelry. A hard toothbrush and toothpaste or toothpowder will scratch gold and hurt some gems. The best cleaning tip is to know for certain the best cleaners to use on your jewelry and do it carefully.

The jewelry industry has been recycling for millennia. In fact some of the gold in your jewelry could have been in use since the time of Jesus. Damaged beyond repair jewelry is bought at its intrinsic worth. The intrinsic value is the metal (gold, platinum, silver) price plus any gems. The refining process used to recover the metal utilizes strong chemicals and has strict environmental regulations which impact the price given for metal brought to be recycled.

If you would like to know how to calculate the metal price and do the math read on, if not skip to next paragraph. The formula used to calculate the price is the metal price(the daily spot price) multiplied by purity(the true noble metal content) times weight(can be in ounces, pennyweights or grams) . The purity is the karat of gold or percentage of noble metal (gold, platinum, silver). 24 karat is pure. 10 karat is 10/24 or .410 gold and the balance of weight is the alloys. 14 karat is 14/24 or .583 gold and 18 karat is 18/24 or .750 gold. Platinum most of the time is 90% pure and 10% alloy. Silver jewelry is usually sterling, which is .925 pure. The three units of weight used with precious metals are troy ounces, pennyweights, and grams. The troy ounce is equal to 20 pennyweights (DWT) or 31.15 grams (learn more about measure precious metal weights). So here is an example; say the spot price of gold is $300 and a 14K ring weighing 10 grams would work out like this. $300 (spot price) X .583 (the fineness of gold) equals $174.90 per ounce divided by 31.15 (troy ounce to gram) equals $5.63 per gram times our ring of 10 grams equals $56.30. Just remember to subtract some refining cost and profit for the dealer and you can find out the intrinsic metal value for your jewelry.

Gems are an important part of jewelry. The estate jewelry value could be 99% determined by the gem. On the other hand the gem could add zero to the value. The two critical factors are the gem itself and the condition. Some gems have a higher value then others. A natural ruby is worth many times more then a synthetic ruby. Diamonds are generally more valuable then amethysts. Knowing your gem’s grade and rarity will help with understanding its value. The condition of the gem is critical to the value. Some chips and abrasions can justify the repolishing cost. But in most cases chips and scratches will render the gem unappealing and valueless. Tip: careful handling of jewelry retains a higher value then carelessness.

The overview of the determining factors of estate jewelry is style, condition, and intrinsic worth. Remember you don’t get paid for the jewelry in relation to what you paid but the condition and demand when you sell. Clean jewelry shows the item at its best and helps in evaluating the design and gems.

What’s the best way to get the most return on your jewelry?

Selling estate jewelry is the art of compromise. There is a balance between dollar paid and quickness of payment and ease of transaction. If you want the high price, fast and easy, you are dreaming. The higher the price gained from the sale of estate jewelry, the longer the time and more difficult the transaction. Finding another consumer to buy your jewelry is the most profitable but the most difficult, time consuming and problematic. Walking into a dealer’s shop is the easiest and fastest way to sell but you are selling at wholesale or less. Finding the balance is a personal judgement call.

Each method of selling estate jewelry has its strengths and liabilities. Besides the price received for the jewelry, the time investment you have to make to sell the jewelry enters the equation. What are your time and energy worth? I have known people who have driven around town for two days just to make $20 more. Don’t over look the ease of transaction. Not all people decide to buy and pay cash on the spot. Some individuals take two or three visits just to make up their mind to buy. There could also be a measure of trust in shipping the jewelry across the country or even a payment plan could be the only way a person could afford your jewelry. The balance of dollar paid versus method of payment can be very tricky.

Selling estate jewelry is the art of compromise…Each method has its strengths and liabilities.

This list of ways to sell estate jewelry is not exhaustive. Personal creativity can show you the best way to sell your jewelry or one the more traditional methods may work out just fine. Examine your options and evaluate the benefits and drawbacks to find the very best way to sell your jewelry.

Auctions are the prestigious way to sell estate jewelry. There is an air of sophistication in liquidating jewelry through a major auction house. The nationally known auction houses like Christie’s , Sotheby’s and the like have pricey set up costs and standards. High end jewelry is best suited for these auctions. There are many regional and local auction houses that can sell estate jewelry in the mid range. Auctions can be very risky, because the end price is unknown, but the risk can bring a very positive selling price. The keys to selling your estate jewelry at auctions are finding the right house for your particular jewelry, knowing the best time to sell, and luck.

On-line auctions offer a lot of advantages and some risks. On-line auctions like e-bay are auctions conducted over the internet reaching a world wide audience. The cost of selling an item is modest if the object sells. Sales are not guaranteed. Which on line auction to use is a critical choice. The large auctions have many offerings and sales but it is easy to get lost in all that activity. Selecting the best category is another challenge. If you choose a smaller on line auction company, many potential buyers will not find your offering. The decision is best made with research on how your particular type of jewelry was sold. E-mail and ask other sellers if they got the price they wanted and how the selling experience was for them.

The trickiest part of on-line auctions is the actual transaction. Who will trust whom first. Normally the buyer sends funds, then the seller sends the item. The seller must also give a period of time for the buyer to return the item for a full refund. The transaction can be problematic or smooth. May all your experiences be trouble free, but the transaction problems I have tracked seem to run between 20% and 35% of the attempts have problems.

Jewelry brokers offer a professional service for a fee. Think of a jewelry broker as a hired professional working for you against a very sophisticated market like the jewelry industry. Make sure their allegiance is to you alone. Most jewelry brokers are highly trained in gems and jewelry. Jewelry brokers charge a percentage ranging from 10% to 50% depending on the type of service provided. Brokers can assist with a piece going to a top auction house or find a local dealer willing to pay top dollar fast. Some jewelry brokers also act as a dealer and buy out right for an immediate transaction. Jewelry brokers are usually found in major cities and include a jewelry and diamond finding service.

Pawn shops and secondhand dealers are another type of walk-in and sell option. Most work on a cash evaluation of the jewelry. The cash value on most estate jewelry is a percentage of the intrinsic value. The key to understanding this buying environment is the percentage. Some dealers pay close to 90% of the intrinsic value, while others pay as low as 33%. The only way to find the best price is to physically take the jewelry around to a number of shops. Then sell to the shop that offers the best value.

More Selling Options

Consignment offers the incentive of a higher price when sold but the draw back of time. No one knows how long it will take or even if it will sell. The stores that offer consignment range from second hand bargain stores to elite jewelry stores. The type of estate jewelry you have dictates which store will attempt to sell your jewelry. If you have a high end piece in excellent condition the elite location could yield a fine return.

Consignment generally consists of a contract for the amount the jewelry will sell for and the percentage the store will keep. Some contracts have a time limit and who is liable if it is lost or damaged. You must know the details of the contract to understand what will and will not happen. Some stores will pay immediately, others pay after a set time or when you call. Find out what the process is if the store closes or moves. Many people have lost track of their jewelry altogether. Understand what the store’s liabilities are and yours. Also, find out how the store is going to sell your jewelry. If they will advertise it or just let it sit in a showcase. Make frequent contacts to keep your jewelry in the mind of the salespeople.

Newspapers offer individuals the best chance to sell to a retail customer. The classified shopping consumer, in all likelihood, comparison shops more then anyone else. They know the prices of your jewelry new and will pay a discount for a used article of jewelry. Also realize that the prices asked for in the paper are rarely achieved and do not reveal the true market value. Some times the jewelry is sold for very much less then advertised or never sold at all. But with some safeguards and timing the classified ad is generally one of the highest prices realized for average estate jewelry.

The retail customer is the highest price you could receive for your estate jewelry. The newspaper is one of many ways to reach the buying public with your message to sell. Public bulletin boards offer a inexpensive way to reach people. Look in your community or work place for bulletin boards. On line bulletin boards could also work out if you find the right one. Net working with friends and family might give a lead to someone willing to buy. Creativity is a powerful tool in reaching the public. Use your imagination and think who would be willing to buy my particular estate jewelry and reach out to them.

Common Mistakes Jewelry Sellers Can Make

Safeguards are critical when selling jewelry to the public. First NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, and NEVER meet an unknown buyer in your house. Personal safety and protection against robbery should be your first priority. If you don’t have a way to meet the potential buyer at a public place, then do not sell your jewelry to the general public. Meet the buyer in a public place like a restaurant or shopping mall. I suggest the buyer’s bank, because if they wish to buy the jewelry they can go and get the cash now and finish the transaction. In addition the bank should have some security if something goes bad.

Fraud should be next on your mind. Cash is the best transaction, checks of all kinds (personal, cashier’s, etc.) can be faked. Also be aware of switching of jewelry; con-men are on the look out for unsuspecting people.

Some other safeguards and precautions are worth taking. First, notify someone of the time and place of your meeting. You can even tell them that you will call after the meeting just to check in. It is helpful to have a mobile phone. It is also a good idea to go with someone else. I have met people with another person standing in the background just watching. Sometimes con-men work in teams and someone looking at the whole situation can see that it is a bad situation in time to help you not get taken.

I’d like to make one final point: most of the world is filled with wonderful people and everything should go just fine. Trust your instincts. Keep diligent and alert. Don’t take risks just to make a little more on the sale of your estate jewelry.

Selling your estate jewelry is not an everyday experience. Enjoy the adventure and learn some new skills. One very positive side effect of selling jewelry is you will learn how to evaluate jewelry. You will become a very wise jewelry buyer. Enjoy the journey.

If you would like to talk more about selling jewelry, or if you would like to see what your jewelry is worth pay us a visit at Arden Jewelers. Our expert gemologist jewelry buyers would be happy to talk with you.

What people are saying

  1. Jessegreen says:

    I have a gold necklace and I want to know how much will it be

  2. Jason says:

    Thanks for that my dear fellas!

  3. Cynthia Lynn says:

    My Diamond ring was appraised at 53,000.

    Can you tell me approximately what the retail value would be?

    I understand that the appraised value is usually far less.

    • Hi Cynthia, thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, there’s no set formula to convert between retail and appraisal value. If you are local to the Sacramento, CA area, you can always stop by our shop for a free evaluation of your ring. You might be interested in our other article on how jewelry is valued. It discusses the different types of jewelry value (intrinsic, retail, appraisal, etc.) in a bit more depth.

  4. Tc says:

    This is the most informative, helpful and unbiased article I’ve ever read about selling jewelry. Thank you for investing a considerable amount of your time in helping us. Really wonderful article!

  5. Lee says:

    I have a LOVE ring I bought over 50 years ago when we lived in California. It is 14 carat with a little chip of diamond in the “O” Beautiful. I was wondering how I could find out what it is worth. I am willing to send a pic. Thx.

  6. Sandra Farillas says:

    I have a diamond ring that was appraised for over 5,000.00. I would like to sell it.

    • Hi Sandra, sounds great. I would recommend checking our our article on the different kinds of jewelry value to understand the difference between appraised value and resale value. Once you’ve read that, you can decide whether you want to try to sell your ring retail (via Craigslist or other marketplaces) or wholesale to a jewelry buyer like us.

  7. Patsy Hook says:

    Hi. I would like to send a photo for an estimate. Is this possible. I have several good pieces of gold & diamonds. Thank you.

  8. Bashiru Ibrahim says:

    Good evening,
    Please I have some black diamond to sell, please help me.
    Thank you,

    • Thanks for reaching out. We aren’t buying loose black diamonds at this time, but you might have some luck on Facebook Marketplace, Etsy, eBay, or Craigslist. We wish you the best.

  9. bojo2112jon says:

    Good post!

  10. devintglover says:

    Can I get a appraisal over the phone.

    • Good question. Unfortunately, since each piece of jewelry is unique, we can’t really give you an accurate appraisal over the phone. However, you can feel free to text or email us some picture of the jewelry, and we can usually give you a ballpark price range that way.

  11. J says:

    I have a necklace that I got from an ex-boyfriend and was went to see how much it will cost me

  12. Bonnie Ecker says:

    Hello. Best post I’ve read yet! Thank you for sharing. Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of what might be classified as high end. But, my mother’s estate left me with a ton of wonderful costume jewellery that also included my grandmother’s and maybe a late aunt, mid-century to 1970s, plus a lot of my own since I retired (modern). I just want to get rid of ALL of it and move on with life. Is there someone or a type of company that might offer to buy it all to resell themselves? I live in western Washington State.

    • Hi Bonnie, I’m glad you liked the article. Unfortunately, I don’t have a good referral for you. We would be able to buy the jewelry through the mail, but we don’t buy costume jewelry so we can’t really help there. Your best bet may be to call around to local antique malls to see if there is a dealer interested in buying all of it.

  13. Simon Taylor says:

    Nice Post!!

  14. piri says:

    Thank you for being willing to share.

  15. Ms E says:

    Where are you located? Did you say that you do free evaluations?

  16. Robert Suhajda says:

    Hello, is there any one you would recommend in the Los Angeles, Long Beach, Cerritos area for estate jewelry and coins too?

  17. Margy H Feigelson says:

    Hello. My mother passed away leaving a large lot of fine jewelry. My father was a jeweler and engraver and created some of the pieces. The ones he created…do not have a stamp but he claimed when giving them, that they were real gold with natural gemstones like diamonds, rubies, and sapphires.. How can I let a buyer know they are getting the real thing?

    • Hi Margy, that’s a good question. If you plan on selling them wholesale (to a jeweler like us) any competent jewelry buyer will have the tools and experience to test metals and gemstones without relying on the stamp. Stamps can be faked, and so they are only ever used as an indication. If you plan on selling them retail (directly to a consumer on Craigslist or eBay for example) you might consider getting a third party appraisal to verify the materials used in the piece. We do appraisals like this, so feel free to contact us if you want to go that route.

  18. CYNTHIA F GOLPE says:

    Hi. I have a 14k white gold 4.75ct triple round cut diamond tennis bracelet. I have photos and a short video clip if you want to see it. Although, I did lose 1 tiny diamond. There’s supposed to be 270pcs, so, maybe there’s only 269 now? Lol. I’m wondering how much it’s worth now if I were to sell it. And would your jewelry shop be interested to buy it from me If I were to sell it to you guys?

    • Hi Cynthia, thanks for commenting, and I apologize for the slow response. If you are still looking to sell your tennis bracelet, that does sound like something we would be interested in. Feel free to email us your pictures and a link to the video, and one of our gemologists will get back to you.

  19. Vanessa Rehburg says:

    I have 2 pieces I am interested in selling but I am unsure how to appropriately price them. They were appraised over a year ago at “retail value” for $7,900 and $3,700. Is there a rule of thumb percentage of the appraised retail price when selling jewelry? They were passed down to me and just not my style but they are beautiful and classic.

    • Hello Vanessa, thanks for reaching out to us, and sorry for the slow response. Given the many different types of appraisals, it’s hard to say how much the resale value will be. The cash wholesale value could range from as low as $800 to as high as $4,000 for the retail $7,900 piece and $350-$1,500 cash wholesale for the retail $3,700 piece. But, I would be happy to give you an accurate price if I can see the jewelry in person. Feel free to visit us for a free value appraisal anytime.

  20. Olivia Conway says:

    I have a Beautiful wedding ring set. Size 6. Already soldered together. 1/4 carat diamond full, 20 single cuts, 14 carat gold 4.4 grams….Clean, in great condition! Wanted to see what it’s worth.

  21. conrad c cobaugh says:

    This great but I live in Michigan. What can I do?

    • Hi Conrad, thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, I don’t have any good referrals for you in Michigan at this time. That said, we do buy jewelry through the mail. If you are interested in going that route, feel free to send us a quick email with some photos of the jewelry along with any details you have, and we can give you a ballpark value.

  22. Mona Ingraham says:

    Hi Arden Jewelers,

    I have a wedding ring of Platinum with Three real Diamonds… ( I think maybe more than 3 carats of diamonds ) from my friend who sold it to me at $8,500.00 5 years ago. I need to know if it is true values at $8,500.00 or not. I need to sell it out soon, but I need your guidance me to right place where is trustworthy of pure advanced Jewelry company that I must trust for the truth price of value itself. So, I can get a real certification for this ring. I can send you the picture of this ring via email. Please reply me asap. Thank you, Mona

    • Hi Mona, thanks for reaching out to us. It sounds like you have a beautiful ring there. We would be happy to look at it for you, but we can’t say for sure how much it’s worth without seeing it in person. Feel free to email us some pictures, and we can give you a rough ballpark value.

  23. Rosa says:

    Hi. I have some 1.95 kt diamond princess cut earrings. They are G-H in color- and I-2
    Any info on how much they’re worth?

  24. Heather Milton says:

    Hi! Back during Christmas 1996 (in college, I was dating a young man whose family had made it big in the Stock Market and we’re Muti-Millionaires. His family loved me, and he spoiled me rotten. He bought me a pair of 14 Karat Gold Pearl Earrings (I do not know what type of Pearl) at his mother’s “Personal Jeweler” and customly had a Blue Sapphire attached to the tops of each earring. I used to go to really nice places years back, but don’t anymore. They have just been sitting in my jewelry box for years. I wanted to look into how much they were potentially worth. I value these because this is the only jewelry a man’s ever given me, but I really need the money. If you can be of any assistance, please do! I can provide photos. I don’t think there are any markings on the back besides 14 KT. I reside in Cincinnati, OH.

  25. Amanda Hull says:

    Thank you for taking the time to write this piece. I have a few different things I’m wondering how to price. One, a sterling and lapis lazuli pair of Bulgari earrings. I can only find the gold and onyx ones online and I have no idea what to price them at. Secondly, I have a 22 gram san marco necklace chain and 3 children’s bangles. The smallest of the 3 is 18k and the other two are unmarked but tested at 14K. 2 of them weigh 8g and the other weighs 10g. Do people really get 18k baby bangles lol. I’m just not quite sure how or where to sell these. Any help would be appreciated.

    • Hello Amanda, I’m glad the info is article was helpful to you. Yes I have seen 18k baby bangles 🙂 And we do buy all types of genuine gold jewelry. So feel free to bring them by the store anytime we are open. Or, if your not local, send us a couple good clear pictures (text or email us) of the front and back of each piece, and we can give you better advice on the best place to sell them.

  26. Mr Mtisi says:

    I have Amethyst purple rough stones and I’m looking for buyers. I’m from Zimbabwe.

  27. Tom O says:

    I found a ring several years back in my house during remodeling. It’s a fairly large stone that appeared to be a diamond and it’s set in either platinum or white gold. I brought it to a jeweler who examined it for a very long time. He said that based on the age of the setting, it had to be a real stone. He said that he couldn’t determine if it was a diamond, and if it was, it was flawless. He said he would needed to do further tests and wanted me to leave it, but I told him no and it’s been in a safe ever since. I recently came across the ring and was thinking about selling it. Is it possible that a jeweler really couldn’t tell if a stone was a diamond just by looking at it?

    • Hello Tom, thanks for commenting. We have the equipment and training to determine if a diamond is natural or man made or a fake onsite, and we can test it in front of you. We will also tell you if it’s genuine for free. Not all jewelers have the training or tools necessary to do this.

      If you decide you might want to sell it, we can also tell you a current cash wholesale value and make you an offer. If you are local, feel free to swing by anytime we are open.

  28. Patty says:

    I have 14K gold Black Onyx Masonic ring (mens). Is it worth anything?

    • Hi Patty, thanks for reaching out to us. It’s definitely worth the gold weight of the 14k. Unfortunately, the black onyx doesn’t carry much intrinsic value (you can read more about the different kinds of jewelry value on our blog). If you are able to bring in the ring to the shop we would be happy to give you a free value appraisal. If not, feel free to email us some pictures and any other details you have (gram weight, receipt, etc.), and we can give you a more accurate ballpark estimate.

  29. Chris G says:

    I was reading your posts and found this article very informative. I have a wedding band set that is made of 14K White Gold and has a 1 ct. center stone on the engagement ring with several smaller cut stones on each side. The matching wedding band is slightly smaller in size by total weight and has additional diamonds arrayed on it. I had bought this in Kelowna, British Columbia and had it appraised in Hawaii by a gemologist there which she stated it would be rated at $11,500.00. Do you have any stores near me to take a look at this set? It has not been used and has been sitting around for a bit. Any suggestions would be great!

  30. Luis D castro says:

    Can someone give me a price range for a peace like the following description?

    14K White Gold Over Solid Sterling Silver Diamonds and 2.0 CTW Emerald Size 7 Designer Ring

    • Hi Luis, thanks for commenting (I trimmed all the technical details to help keep the comments section readable). Evaluating a ring like that without seeing it is tricky. There is very little intrinsic value (gold plated silver), so most of the value of the piece comes from the style and how much you like the look of it. That value can vary widely depending on the person you ask. If you’re curious, you can read more about how jewelry is valued on our blog.

  31. L says:

    I have a white gold diamond set from 1950. I am not sure what to call the style other than “classic.” I am trying to determine the best way to prepare for the possibility of my family having to sell it. I live in a small town in Texas. I wonder what I can do to make such an inheritance easier for my family.

    • Hello, thanks for reaching out to us. If you are trying to determine its worth for equitable distribution in an inheritance situation, I might point you to our article specifically on that subject.

      That said, if you are just looking for advice on selling the piece, I can say that if you are willing to take the risks and spend the time, you can generally get the most by selling it retail through eBay or Craigslist. I linked to our articles on how to sell on those platforms.

      Alternatively, a jeweler like us is generally your best bet for selling the piece quickly and easily. Feel free to email us some pictures and any more details you have (gram weight, diamond carat weight and quality, etc.), and we would be happy to take a look at it for you.

  32. Michelle says:

    Hello, are you or do you know of anyone looking to buy black diamonds? And, what is the average I might be able to get for them?

    Thank you,

    • Hi Michelle, thanks for commenting. Unfortunately, at this time, we aren’t buying a lot of black diamonds. We currently have enough in stock for our needs, and we have seen a very high rate of non-diamonds being sold as black diamonds. The owners of these pieces, in many cases, may not even know that they don’t have a genuine diamond. Man-made black moissanite is the most common substitute for diamond that we see.

      As for the approximate value of a black diamond, it is difficult to say without seeing the stone in person. But, on average you can expect black diamonds to sell for around 10-30% of the price of a clear diamond that is the same size.

  33. Namara Jane says:

    I have necklaces made from beads and papers and table mats made from wood. Am in Uganda can I be able to get market.

    • Hi Namara, thanks for commenting. We specialize in fine jewelry, so unfortunately, we don’t have a lot of advice to help you get your products to market. Sorry we couldn’t be more helpful.

  34. George says:

    Have an opal ring which belonged to my wife’s mother who passed several years ago. The band itself looks like it is, gold. We live in MA, north of Boston. Is there anyone you associate with that could tell us the value of this ring. We need someone we can trust.

    George-Danvers MA

  35. Ann marie waldron says:

    Hi, I’m looking to sell my Aunt’s diamond and gold. It has three diamonds. It’s beautiful, but the band is cracked on one side. How much do you think I will get for it? It’s about 50 years old or more. Please let me know. Thanks, Ann marie

  36. Carmen says:

    Would you say a bit more about the relative returns when selling fine jewelry through a well-rated BBB medium sized auction house (such as those in a major city jewelry district)? I was told that the reserve price should be well below wholesale to entice buyers to join the bidding, after which they would be loathe to let someone else outbid them. Is this a reliable phenomenon or maybe a way to give great deals to regular auction buyers or….? How likely is it that sale prices at auction would beat wholesale prices? Does the time of year that auctions occur make a difference?

    Thank you for your very informative articles!

    • Hi Carmen, those are some good questions. We don’t normally use aution houses ourselves, so I won’t be able to answer all of your questions. However, I can tell you that your reserve price should be the minimum you want to sell the item for and the asking price is what should be lower to entice the bidding. Time of year isn’t as important as the auction house you choose. Ask them if they are a good fit for the items you have. Hopefully that helps a little, and feel free to post back if you decide to go the auction route. We would be interested to hear how it goes.

  37. Max says:

    Is it common to have the intrinsic value of your ring (metals only) be reduced by 30-50% by Jewelers, using dubious excuses as to why it’s so? I have a 6.5 gram 14kt gold ring and with the cost of gold at 1250.00 it’s worth approx. 155-165. Two jewelers said they’d give “100”. They state that they have to ship it out to be broken down and it’s expensive. Is this true, or is this a common unethical attempt to take advantage of people?

    It’s unrealistic to cost $20-$50 to break down a plain ring. I walked out on the 2nd jeweler because he lost my trust. He offered “100” and wouldn’t go to “120” because he thought it had platinum and platinum isn’t worth as much as gold, and platinum costs even more to break down. But, when I had the owner check, he found it’s not platinum and is in fact 14kt gold — which he said he’d give me “85” for it. What? Why was it “100” for a less value platinum but now “85” when it’s gold? I walked, I was being misled. This process seems too tongue-in-cheek. My question is- Is this “breakdown” charge real? If so, how much “on average” – it has to be consistent for all in the industry, a default range. A price here would help all of us!

    • Hi Max, thanks for commenting and I’m sorry to hear about the frustrating experiences you’ve been having. Let me see if I can shed some light on how the refining process works.

      First, when gold is refined, the refiner charges on average 2-5% to refine the gold (this is generally based on the amount of gold that is being refined). There is also usually a fee added to process the gold up to $500. Yes, there is also a cost to ship the gold to the refiner, but this cost is usually spread over many pieces being shipped at once making it negligible for any one piece. Finally, unless it is stamped 14KP, most 14k alloys actually contain closer to 56% pure gold than the nominal 58.3% (read more about plum gold here).

      Platinum refining usually carries the same fees as gold, but some refiner’s charge extra to do what’s called a 4-way assay when platinum is involved. Also, there is some platinum “lost” in the refining process. I have heard 5-10%, from various refiners, and that loss amount depends on the alloys originally used to make the platinum jewelry. At this point in time, pure platinum is trading for less than pure gold, but keep in mind that most platinum jewelry contains a higher percentage of pure platinum (90-95% normally) than the percentage of pure gold in 14k gold jewelry. You can check the market to find the current intrinsic value of one troy ounce of gold or platinum anytime online (kitco.com is generally good for this if you can stand the ads).

      With all of that said, keep in mind that each store you go to has its own overhead to cover (rent, employee salaries, etc.), as well as profit margin they are comfortable working with. These factors often drive the percentage they are willing/able to pay more than refining fees. Good job shopping around, and we wish you the best on getting the most for your jewelry.

  38. RODRELL M GREEN says:

    Ritani Women’s French-Set Diamond Ring in Palladium (0.28 CTW) Size 7. New, Bought in 2016, never worn. Still have authentication letter, GIA.

    • Hi Rodrell, that sounds like a beautiful ring. Thanks for commenting. If you can email us some pictures of the ring and any of the paperwork you have with it, we should be able to give you a good ballpark value estimate.

  39. Deborah says:

    I have a 1980’s 14K Ladies Rolex, MINT condition, along with some other vintage pieces I inherited. I saw an ad in my local paper about some estate jewelry buyers coming to a department store in my area. What are your thoughts about selling some of my pieces in that kind of venue?

    • Hi Deborah, good question. The key is knowing the value of what you have before going to the traveling jewelry buyers. Unlike a local jeweler with a permanent location, the traveling buyers do not have to maintain a reputation. They can just move on to the next town and change names if things get bad.

      So, it’s best to know the approximate value of your jewelry before you go in. Then you can use that information to negotiate or just walk away if their offer isn’t good. A local jeweler with a gemologist on staff should be able to help identify what you have and give you an approximate value.

  40. Jean says:

    My wedding band and engagement ring are 22 years old. Very very good condition. Appraised at two thousand eight hundred dollars. How much can I expect to get for it?

    • Hi Jean, thanks for commenting. Without seeing the piece, it’s hard to say how much it could be worth. There are so many factors that go into determining the market value of a wedding set. If you’re interested, you can checkout our article on how jewelry is valued to learn more.

      That said, you can always email us a picture along with any details you have (metal type, total gram weight, diamond carat weight, color, clarity, etc.), and we can give you a rough estimate of the current market price.

      • Ahmed says:

        I have rough stones, rubies, emeralds, and I want to sell them, and if you want pictures, I do not mind.

        • Hi Admed, thanks for thinking of us. Unfortunately, we aren’t buying rough gemstones at this time. You might contact a lapidary or gem cutter to see if they would be interested. We wish you the best with your sale.

  41. Ginger says:

    I have a few pieces of jewelry I am looking to sell, they were bought as gifts through the last 10 years or so. There are 3 pieces that have never been worn, 1 being a topaz/sterling silver necklace that has 3 = 18.53 ct tw stones that hang one under the other in a straight line and I have a couple pieces that have only been worn a handful of times, I would like to know if there is any value to any of them, and how I would go about selling them to you if you were interested or another that you may know of. I can email pics and whatever details I may have if you’re interested in looking at them, I have the receipts for 1 maybe 2 of the pieces.

    • Hi Ginger, thanks for reaching out to us. We would be interested in taking a look at them. Feel free to email us any pictures and details you have (appraisals, price paid, gram weights, etc.), and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

  42. Shannon says:

    I recently inherited a 7ct 96 stone diamond necklace I believe was bought from Kay Jewelers a few years back for 12,500 retail. I don’t have any paperwork and I was wondering about the best way to sell and around what I could expect to sell it for? I would appreciate any help you could give me! Thank you

    • Hi Shannon, thanks for reaching out. Wow, it sounds like you have quite the necklace there. Could you email us a picture or two of it? That would help give us a better idea of the style of the piece and how you can best sell it.

  43. Sarah Kelbe says:

    I have found your articles very informative- thank you. I have my grandmother’s wedding ring, and I’m interested in obtaining some information regarding selling it and its value. The ring is set in platinum containing 3 large diamonds and 8 smaller diamonds. I have an old appraisal that provides some information but also seems slightly vague. The center stone is a European cut diamond of SI1 clarity I color and 1.58ct. Also contains two European cut diamonds each of SI2 clarity I color each are .60ct. The smaller surrounding diamonds include four .15ct and four .12ct diamonds of SI2 clarity and I color. Thank you for any assistance.

    • Hi Sarah, thanks for the comment and the kind words. I’m glad the website has helped. It sounds like you have a very nice piece there. If you can email us some pictures of it along with a picture of the appraisal you mentioned, we should be able to point you in the right direction.

  44. Sorcha says:

    Hi, I have some jewelry I would like to sell, preferably ‘easily’. Would I be able to send you some pictures and information about the pieces in order to get a market value estimate? I don’t know if some of it would be worth $10 or $1,000.

    • Hi Sorcha, thanks for commenting. Yes, please email us some photos of the pieces along with any other information you have (receipts, appraisals, gram weights, metal karat, etc.), and we can help you figure out the market value.

  45. Jill says:

    I have an estate Bulgari tubogas gold necklace with 3 black antique coins. I’ve seen similar necklaces online for $25-33,000. I have no idea how to sell this piece. Any advice is appreciated.

    • Hi Jill, thanks for reaching out to us. That sounds like a very special piece. If you are uncomfortable selling it yourself online, you could consider using the services of an auction house like Christie’s or consigning it with a local jeweler. If you decide to go that route, be very clear upfront about all of the fees the auction house or jeweler will charge you if the piece sells (or even if it doesn’t sell). If you decide to try to sell it yourself, you can check out our article on how to sell jewelry online for some tips and tricks. Hopefully that helps a little and we wish you the best with your necklace.

  46. Clidean says:

    I’m in Louisiana and am selling my wedding set as well. It’s a split shank, double halo ring with a .84ct center round cut diamond and .55cts of accent diamonds. Total carat weight is 1.49. Should I expect to get less for it because of my geographic location? The Retail Replacement Value is 7,539.00. Do you have an idea of what I should expect? Thanks so much.

  47. Carolyn says:

    I am selling my diamond engagement ring and the jeweler wants to remove the diamond from the setting to inspect it. He has already had the diamond for several days. Should I allow this?

    • Hello Carolyn, thanks for commenting. There are very few circumstances where a diamond buyer would need to evaluate the diamond for that long. One being the stone is most likely over $100,000, the other reason is if you and the buyer decided to send the stone to GIA to be graded which can take weeks.

      At this point, I would make sure you either get the amount agreed upon before the diamond was removed (or very close to it), or make sure you have the same diamond returned to you.

      Traditionally, at Arden Jewelers, if we were to take out a diamond before we buy it (e.g. if the client only wants to sell us the center diamond and keep the ring), I try to remove the diamond in front of the client, at the front desk of my store. If the ring makes that impossible, my bench jeweler removes the diamond in front of me which can take at most 15 minutes, usually it takes less than 5 minutes. Then I immediately bring the diamond to show my client that it’s the same diamond. Then I will clean and grade the diamond in front of my client. The entire process very rarely takes more than 30 minutes total.

      Hopefully that help a little, and we wish you the best with your diamond and engagement ring sale.

  48. WINNIE HIGGINS says:

    Can you give some prices for Cameo jewelry? Thanks

    • Hi Winnie, thanks for asking. Unfortunately, Cameos are one of those things that we have to see in person to accurately appraise. If you would like, you can take some pictures and email them to us. That way we can give you a rough approximation of their value, but without seeing the pieces in person, we would only be guessing.

  49. Linda says:

    Hello. My mother died when I was a child and left me her pearl necklace. My father was known to buy only the best of whatever he bought (but he didn’t buy much!) He would have purchased this around 1947. The pearls need to be restrung and valued. But I have heard so many horror stories and I have had movers steal just about all my jewelry at one point. I have been told that with the age of these pearls, they could even be natural pearls rather than cultured pearls. What is the best way of finding someone reliable and how much will I expect to pay to have them restrung? Also, can any jewelry store do the x-ray needed to figure out what kind of pearls they are? Thanks very much!

    • Hello Linda, those sound like some very lovely pearls. By 1947 most pearls were cultured, so it is pretty unlikely that they are natural. However, it’s always a possibility. Before you have them strung, look through the hole and if it’s not hollow, send one to GIA to confirm whether it’s natural or cultured. Most jewelers won’t have the correct x-ray machine to verify that. Restringing varies on a couple factors, but with good quality silk thread we charge $4 per inch on average.

  50. Lisa says:

    I have a question I hope you can answer for me. I am handling an estate for my sister there are 3 rings to be sold, and she got an appraisal done Sept 2009. The rings were then placed in a safety deposit box from that point on. If I chose to do an online auction, would I need to get a new appraisal done? And if not, if the certificate value was $1,210, how much of that would a person normally expect to list for? I am just picking one of the prices listed on the certificate.

    • Hi Lisa, thanks for commenting. It really depends on the type of appraisal that was done in September and the type of jewelry.

      For example, on a solitaire diamond with a thin band, the appraisal is probably close enough to current market that you don’t need to re-appraise it. If it’s a heavy gold ring with a big gemstone, then yes I would re-appraise the ring since the gold and gemstone market is more volatile.

      What you can expect to resell the jewelry for depends again on the type of original appraisal. If it’s an insurance appraisal, normally it will sell on the estate market for 10-50% of the appraised value. So, for your ring, that’s $120-$600. There are a lot of other factors like condition and style of the piece to consider that will also affect where your jewelry falls in the estate market.

      Hopefully that helps, and if you’re local, you can always bring the jewelry by the shop for a free value appraisal.

  51. Maria says:

    Hi! I have a oval cut diamond loose weight is 2.28cts., 11.92mm x 7.7mm x 3.65mm of L color and si2 clarity. Would you have an idea of how much I can get for it if I sold it thru a jewelry broker?

  52. Vijay Karthik says:

    Hello Team, I would like to sell my Blue sapphire stone which is 3ct – Sri Lanka. Per ct rate of the stone is Rs;5,000 INR. The stone comes with original Invoice bill that certifies the stone quality with guarantee. Please let me know if you are interested in buying the same.

  53. Martha says:

    I obtained silver necklace with dark round faceted stones. Also came with matching earrings. The silver is stamped “PD” and in checking the internet, I believe that stands for palladium. How can I get the value of this piece? There isn’t much on eBay of palladium. The pieces are in very good condition and I would like to know how much I should price this for auction on eBay. I went to a local jeweler who did not know.

    • Hi Martha, silver and palladium alloyed jewelry, never really took off in a huge way. That’s probably why you’re not finding a lot of it online. If you think of it as slightly better than standard sterling silver jewelry, that’s how I would go about trying to price it. Also just FYI, when we melt palladium sterling silver there is so little palladium that it’s hardly worth paying the premium to extract it. Hopefully that helps a little.

  54. Christine says:

    Hi, I have an infinity loop promise ring from tiffanys, with small diamonds on half of the infinity sign. Online, it’s called a riband double hearts ring. It’s white gold and very heavy, any idea how much I could expect from selling it?

    – 18k with tiny diamond on half of the infinity symbol
    – Superficial scratches from wear and tear

    • Hi Christine, thanks for reaching out to us. I may have found a couple examples of your ring on ebay (here and here). It looks like they are listed for $780 – $1,100, but those are not sold listings, so it’s hard to know what they are actually selling for.

      You will probably get the most by selling retail through a site like eBay or Craigslist. If you would rather not deal with that, you can always sell it quicker to a dealer like us. Feel free to stop by the shop if you are in the area, and we would be happy to evaluate the ring for you, and let you know how much we would be able to offer for it.

  55. Elizabeth says:

    I have a platinum three-stone ring setting that I don’t know what to do with. I got it from my mother – she gave the three diamonds to her three children to be made into engagement rings and as the last to be married I also have the empty setting. It’s a really beautiful setting – the prongs kind of sweep and cross on the sides – but I don’t want to put new stones in it and I don’t know whether it’s better to try to sell the setting or to trade it for the value of platinum (only about $160-$175). Could I get more if i sell the setting as-is? Should I try to sell it to a jeweler or try to sell it myself to a private buyer? I don’t think I am going to make a ton from it but it seems a shame to sell it to be melted down when it’s such a lovely setting.

    • Hello, that is a good question. Since the ring was made to hold specific size diamonds, it will be difficult for the next person who owns it to use it unless they have the same size gems. But, the good news is most jewelers do have a large selection of gems so it is definitely possible to reuse the mounting.

      As far as pricing goes, the condition of the ring and if the prongs were damaged at all during the stone removal does affect the price. Without seeing it in person, I can’t say how much you should try to get above the scrap platinum value. You might be able to get more selling it yourself, but, of course, you’ll also have to deal with the time and risks associated with that.

      Of course, you can also look into refurbishing it yourself. I know you mentioned that you didn’t want to put new stones in it, but you can always think outside the box and use colored stones to create a nice piece for less. Maybe it would make a nice gift for the next generation then. 🙂 Hopefully that helps a little, and we wish you the best with your ring.

  56. Jacobo says:

    hi i have an eggs, is a weird piece with some shining stones, this was a legacy that she left me, i would like to know how value is.
    where I can send you a picture.

  57. Cynthia says:

    Hi. I have 2 sapphire bracelets given as gifts a few years ago and never wore after initially trying them on. They are yellow gold and one of them has Australian crystals and tiny clear stones. I would like to send photos after I clean them. What do you suggest I use to clean them safely?

    • Hi Cynthia, thanks for commenting. The crystals in jewelry like that are sometimes glued in which makes cleaning a challenge. A gentle bath with warm soapy water is probably your best bet. Look closely near the clasps for a “925” stamp. Such a stamp would indicate that the piece is made out of sterling silver and plated yellow. If that’s the case, there is probably not very much “scrap” or intrinsic value in the bracelets, but we would still be happy to look at them for you. Let us know what stamps you see when you send your email. Hopefully that helps, and let us know if you have any additional questions.

  58. Kuraz Arkz says:

    Hi, I will be posting some pictures of diamonds very shortly to you so that your gemologist can appraise them

  59. Carolyn savage says:

    Hi my mother died and I’ve been left her jewelry. One ring has 1.3 diamonds of which there are 24 a big Opel the shoulders or claws of ring come up separately to each diamond and the ring stands high on finger.

    The second one is a diamond and sapphire 13 round outside one bigger one in middle 11 diamonds again claws come to each sapphire standing high on finger. I know with all the things I have the insurance company would not insure unless safe put under house.

    I also have a set diamond and Opel ring ear rings and necklace now this has a valuation cert of eight and half thousand. I would like to know what the selling value is.

    • Hi Carolyn, thanks for commenting. It sounds like you have some very interesting pieces there. We would most likely need to see jewelry like that in person to give you an accurate evaluation. If you are ever in the Sacramento area, feel free to come by for a free evaluation.

  60. Alex says:

    I really appreciate that you post this information for newbies like me and other sellers. It really shows what kind of people you are. Majority, will not tell anybody this stuff and honesty is important but it’s a business. Thank you for sharing your business and giving very useful insights. I am very interested in selling jewelry but don’t know how to. I would like to go to places that has estate jewelry and buy and sell but may I ask what is the best location to do it? Yard sales? Auctions? Estate houses? Foreclosures? Please let me know.

    I would like to make money in selling jewelry and would like to get into the business but I have no clue. I sold different stuff at flea markets and online social media but never jewelry. Sorry if I sound dumb but very interested.

    • Hi Alex, thanks for the kind words. I’m glad the article was useful to you. Buying and selling jewelry can be a tricky business. I would recommend that you start with some training so you can accurately identify the jewelry that you are considering buying. There are many trade schools that teach jewelry working skills that may be able to help you, and of course, GIA has excellent educational programs. Once you have a good idea of what you are buying, you can search for jewelry to buy at all of the places you mentioned. If you find something, you can resell it to a local jewelry buyer like us, or try your luck on eBay or Craigslist. Hopefully that helps, and we wish you the best on your venture.

  61. Vikki says:

    Hi…I have a vintage 1967 ish gold cat with sapphire eyes. The brooch, in a red leather box, Cartier, France was a gift to me, back then, and it has been stored with me since then, mostly kept in safety deposit boxes. We believe it to be one of their Red Leather collection, and it has several markings, perhaps a signature. We would like to sell it now, but are new at this, and obviously it isn’t for the feint of heart, as you have stated. Thank you for all the precautions a person should take. I am a bit more confused than ever.

    • Hi Vikki, thanks for commenting. Selling fine jewelry can definitely be a daunting task, but we’re here to help. It sounds like you have a very interesting piece there. If you could email us some photos of it and include a couple of up-close shots of the markings as well, we should be able to give you some better advice on selling it.

  62. Sharon Gill says:

    I have a ladies 14K yellow gold diamond ring, containing ten round diamonds, weighing 2.42 ct. (TWT). The diamonds are SI clarity and F-G color. It has the look of a double row eternity ring. It is in excellent condition and was purchased in 1997, I always get compliments on what a beautiful ring I have. In 1997 it was appraised at $9,000.00. I know that without seeing the ring it would be hard to place a value on it, but can you give me an idea of what type of offers would probably be made.

  63. Erin says:

    I recently took some estate pieces to a local jewelry store. They made an offer to buy them. Is it typical for one to make a counter offer?

    • Hi Erin, that’s a very good question, thanks for asking. Without seeing the pieces of jewelry, I can’t say if the offer was fair or not. That said, everybody has a different approach when it comes to buying and selling jewelry. When I’m buying I make my best cash wholesale offer to buy the estate up front (which is normally the highest offer when people have shopped around ?). Other’s may start with a low ball offer expecting you to counter. In the end, it’s about doing your homework to know what a fair offer is, and selling to a reputable dealer that will treat you right.

  64. jenny says:

    I have a multi-generational, pristine condition blue sapphire and platinum tennis bracelet with professional appraisal of $8,000. Wondering what might be my best option for selling. Is this too low for high end auctions?

    • Hi Jenny, thanks for commenting. That sounds like a stunning bracelet. Generally, the condition, quality, and age of the jewelry are more important than the appraised value. But, each auction house is unique, so send pictures of the piece to several, and see if anyone is interested in taking it on. You can also try eBay and Craigslist, but generally, you will get 20-50% of the appraised value through those venues. Also, make sure you understand upfront how much you will actually get paid if the auction house sells your piece.

  65. Mary Wilber says:

    Hi, I came across your website and you have some great tips and advice on selling jewelry. Thank You!

    Right now I am in the process of finding a jeweler I can trust to appraise two necklaces I have? My mom gave me one necklace that is really old and delicate; purple amethyst stone and sterling silver with beautiful details. The other I purchased at a yard sale years ago that is a gold locket with a cork screw clasp and one part has a blue rose design on it.

    I am hoping to talk to the jeweler who did our wedding set and see if they would be willing to look at these for me? They have been in business for years.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    • Hi Mary, thanks for reaching out to us and for the kind words. I’m so glad you found the website helpful. Those sound like lovely pieces of jewelry. Most jewelers would be happy to help, just tell them what you told me. The silver necklace is most likely the less expensive one, especially if the gold necklace is real gold and not plated. I would recommend finding an appraiser who is also a gemologist (GIA or AGS if possible), so that they can accurately evaluate the gemstones. Hopefully that helps, and we wish you the best with your appraisal.

  66. Linda says:

    Hello, I would like to begin by Thanking You for the Most Valuable Information you have chosen to share with us. I am most grateful.

    I have a beautiful set of wedding rings, custom made pre 1941.Both rings have many small round diamonds (lots of sparkle), set in platinum. Inside both rings are the following: 90 PLAT 10 IRID, however the 9 is backwards in both.

    I am contemplating selling. I would sincerely appreciate if you could assist in informing me as to what range of value I could expect. Thank You so much for your time concerning this matter. I look forward to hearing from you.


    • Hi Linda, thanks for the comment and the gratitude. It’s great to hear that the website was helpful to you. I love old vintage wedding rings, and your set sounds very nice. In order to give you a better estimate, I would need to know how large the diamonds are, especially the center stone, and how much the platinum weighs. If you can take a good picture and email it to service@mygemologist.com, I might be able to give you a ballpark estimate of the value. However, if you are in the Sacramento area, the best thing would be to come in my store so I could look at them in person. I look forward to hearing from you.

  67. Laura says:

    Thank you for your very informative blog and articles. The time you take to prepare them is very valuable, and much appreciated. I have several pieces of jewelry inherited from my grandmother. The pieces include at the low end some very stylized Taxco silver and amethyst pins, a Taxco cuff bracelet of redwood and silver (sadly in poor condition), and at the higher end an exquisite diamond and jade set that are antique, unique, and hard to describe, but valued at about $87,000 by a gemologist appraiser in the early 1990s. I would love to bring them to you, but I live in Southern California, near Long Beach, and wondered if you could recommend a colleague in the Los Angeles/Orange County area. Thank you again for your wonderful blog. It has been such a help!

    • Hi Laura, thank you for the kind words. I’m so glad you enjoy the articles on the website. Those sound like some lovely pieces, especially the Jade piece. I have had good experiences with Traditional Jewelers. I think they used to have a store in Newport Beach, but it’s been over a decade since I lived in LA, so I don’t know anyone specific there you should talk to. Hopefully that helps. Feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions.

  68. Holly says:

    Hello, my mother in law gave me some mismatched diamond earrings and only one of each (she lost the pairs). I am sure the diamonds are worth money because I am pretty sure they are at least a carat each, but without the other pair of the earring can I still just try and sell the diamonds? Just trying to get some advise before I venture off to a jewelry store. Thanks!

    • Hi Holly, thanks for contacting us. Most jewelry buyers should have no trouble buying individual earrings. In most cases, the stones will be remounted in new earring mountings, or possibly put into other jewelry, or even sold loose. You might have been able to get a slightly higher amount if you had complete pairs that were in resellable condition, but generally speaking, that would only be minor difference. Just make sure you go to a buyer with a gemologist on staff (like us 🙂 ) who can accurately grade your diamonds and pay you accordingly. We wish you the best in selling your jewelry.

  69. mick says:

    I’ve enjoyed your comments, very informative. I have a colored diamond I had put in a ring by a jeweller. I also had it appraised at that time. I bought the gem as an investment and had it put into a setting to increase the value of the investment hopefully. I would like to sell it, and I would appreciate any help you can offer.

  70. darion brown says:

    I have a question. Why is it that when you get an appraisal for a certain amount, and then you go to sell the item, they try to give you far less than what it’s appraised for saying that the appraisal was overblown. Are they allowed to do that?

    • Hi Darion, thanks for commenting. That is an excellent question, and it’s one that we get a lot. The answer is somewhat long, but in a nutshell, the appraisal was never meant to tell you how much an item is worth. The appraisal is meant to tell the insurance company how much it would cost at maximum retail to replace the item with a brand new one similar to it.

      A good analogy is used cars. A jewelry type appraisal done on a 1985 Toyota Camry would list its value at the cost of a brand new Toyota Camry. Of course, that doesn’t mean the 1985 Camry is actually worth that much if you were to sell it. Hopefully that helps. We have a full article on how jewelry is valued that goes into more detail, if you would like to read more.

  71. John says:

    I loved your clear and generous advice so helpful. I am in Vancouver; please could you refer me to somebody credible here? Then do you have any advice in terms of selling pearls?

    • Hi John, thanks for the kind words. Unfortunately, I don’t have any good contacts in Vancouver that I could refer you to. Selling pearls is very tricky. Many of the pearls that are on the market are freshwater, cultured pearls which usually have little resale value. My best advice would be to find a local gemologist and ask them to evaluate your pearls. Once you know exactly what you have, you can get a better idea of how much it might be worth. Hopefully that is helpful, and feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions.

  72. Dani says:

    Hi; thanks for the informative article.

    I have a somewhat unusual situation. Many years ago, I purchased a ring from the Museum of Man (San Diego, California). It was from the estate of one of the original Ranchero families in California, and the ring was dated at around 1820. It is a simple silver ring with a small figural bird on top and some stamping patterning on the band.

    What is usual about this ring is that it is very rare. The Ranchero culture was unusual in that they did not make much of anything, and were not supported by local businesses or industries (of which there really weren’t any). The culture focused entirely on raising cattle, which were shipped around South America to the East Coast and sold. Then the ships would load up on any and all goods they might want, and sailed back by the same route to California. The Rancheros were quite wealthy with luxurious tastes, and this lifestyle strangely enough worked well for them for several hundred years.

    So, the story behind this ring is that it was actually made by the lone blacksmith who (like the doctor) travelled up and down California to handle horse-shoeing and various repairs. The Don of one of these families made a special request to have this ring made for one of his daughter’s 15th birthday, and the blacksmith made it from locally mined silver. This was all certified to me by documentation which the museum kept on file (but which I don’t have). They had several other items from this estate as well.

    I’m unsure how the rarity of this item might influence its value. Do you have any idea about this? Thanks much!

    • Hi Dani, thanks for commenting. It sounds like you have a very interesting piece there. Realizing its true value will be tricky, if you are looking to sell it. The key will be finding the right buyer. You will probably want to sell it to a collector or someone who is interested in the Ranchero culture. Finding such a person could be a challenge. I would start with eBay as well as Google searching for groups interested in that era of history. You might find a bulletin board where you can post your ring to see if anyone is interested. At that point, the museum may be able to help you verify the authenticity with any prospective buyers.

      On the other hand, if you are just curious as to the approximately value of the piece, I would seek out an antique jewelry specialist. The museum where you purchased the ring might have some referrals for you. Most jewelers like us don’t have the specialized tools and experience to evaluate a historical piece like that. Hopefully that is helpful, and feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions.

  73. alicia says:

    Hi, I have a 3 diamond ring, and I would like to appraise it. So, how can I? I live in Laurel, MS.

    • Hi Alicia, thanks for commenting. If you are looking to sell your ring, you can always email us some pictures, and we can give you a rough idea of what it might be worth. If you need a written appraisal for insurance purposes, you will want to take your piece to a gemologist appraiser in your local area. Hopefully that helps, and we wish you the best with your ring.

  74. Judy says:

    I emailed you last week. You sound very reputable. I wish I lived in the Sacramento area. I live in southern Orange County ca. I don’t know where to start. You told me you would ask around for a good place to start in my area. Did you find anyone? I have among other things a 1950s bulova diamond watch. I would really appreciate your input. Thanks judy

    • Hi Judy, thanks for reaching out to us. Our main gemologist just got back from vacation, so I’ll have him check if he has any contacts in Orange County for you. Beyond that, my advise would be to read up on how jewelry is valued. And, if you are considering selling your jewelry on eBay or Craigslist, checkout our articles on how to sell on those sites. Our gemologist should be emailing you in a couple days as well. We wish you the best in selling your jewelry.

  75. johnson says:

    I have a chain made of silver and gold how can I sell it to you? I live in Finland.

    • Hi Johnson, thanks for contacting us. Unfortunately, we aren’t setup right now for overseas buying. Maybe call around to some local jewelers and see if any of them have gemologist jewelry buyers who can help you. Of course, there’s always eBay as well. If you go that route, I would encourage you to check out our article on how to sell jewelry on eBay.

  76. Pat Wilson says:

    Hi, Your website is very interesting. I live in Las Vegas and my husband gave me a bracelet and ring thirty five years ago, which he purchased as estate jewelry from the estate section of a reputable department store in Los Angeles. Now we are seniors and would like to sell these pieces. The bracelet is gold encrusted with diamonds, opals and pearls, as is the ring. They are very beautiful, but very formal looking, to wear to a very elegant type of event. Where can I begin as far as finding the right buyer?

    • Hi Pat, that’s a good question. Those sound like some interesting pieces. If you would like to email us some pictures (service@mygemologist.com), we would be happy to take a look and give you some more in-depth guidance.

      In general though, you have two main options. You can sell them wholesale to a jeweler or retail via Craigslist or eBay. If you go wholesale, try to find a jeweler with a gemologist buyer who can accurately evaluate your gems as well as the gold. If you go the retail route, be safe, and checkout the articles I linked earlier. They have some tips and tricks for selling jewelry. Hopefully that helps, and please feel free to email us any pictures you have of the items.

  77. Brad Allen says:

    Inherited lots of old jewelry. I thought I’d see what these can go for.

  78. Racheal Jack says:

    I have a large Australian opal about 20 carats and it’s wrapped in 18kt gold wire (handmade jewelry). It’s stunning; I am willing to sell. How can I get an appraisal from you?

  79. Kyra Ramirez says:

    Can I sell my ring to you? A jeweler told me it was worth $2,000 dollars.

  80. Ashley says:

    Hi I have a ring I’m not sure on what it would worth to sell, someone bought it for me as a gift from Kay jewelers the ring itself is 925 silver but its also marked F.D I believe that means the diamonds are real but again I’m not a jewelry person its has a big sapphire in the middle surrounded by the little diamonds. Any thing you could tell me about it so I can know the worth I know he told me he paid around 400 for it when he bought it

    • Hi Ashley, thanks for asking. To answer your first question, I don’t know of any “F.D” stamp, so I can’t tell you what it signifies. My guess would be that it’s simply a manufacturer’s mark (telling you who made the ring), but it’s possible that Kay uses it to indicate the type of stones set in the ring.

      When we talk about the value of a piece of jewelry, several factors come in to play. You may want to check out our article on how jewelry is valued to get more familiar with the different types of value. With this is mind, you can decide if you want to sell your ring wholesale (to a jeweler like us) or retail (via eBay, Craigslist, or other direct channel). That decision will have a big impact on the value of the piece. Without seeing the ring, we can’t give you an accurate evaluation, but hopefully this info helped a little, and you can always bring it in for a free value appraisal if you are near the Sacramento, CA area.

  81. Kazim says:

    I am from Pakistan. I have some antique gems and gold coins, I found them in a cave in an old valley. I want to sell them please guide me. Their detail is as under.

    5 golden coins
    3 sapphires of 28, 15 and 16 carats
    1 tourmaline green table cleared 204 carats
    2 rubies 175 carats
    18 rubies each have 15 carats

    Kindly guide me for sale these antiques, I am living in Pakistan.

    • Hi Kazim, thanks for contacting us. It sounds like you found some very interesting jewelry there. Unfortunately, I don’t know of any jewelers in Pakistan that I can recommend for you. In general, I suggest that you first have your items evaluated by a trained gemologist. If you can find a local jeweler with a GIA or AGS gemologist on staff, they should be able to give you an idea of what you have.

      At that point, you can either sell your pieces locally to a jeweler, or you can list them online. Given their nature, you may find a better market for them online, but many buyers will want some kind of proof of what the items are. A written appraisal from a gemologist will probably be helpful in this situation. If you decide to sell them online, you can check out our article on selling jewelry on eBay for some helpful tips. Whatever you decide to do, be safe, and we wish you the best.

  82. Jaime says:

    I have a wedding set which has man-made diamonds. Are these even worth trying to sell? I have an appraisal with the cut, clarity, etc listed.

    • Hi Jaime, that’s a good question. Synthetic or man-made diamonds are always a hot topic in the jewelry industry. If the stones are indeed synthetic diamond and not one of the many diamond simulants (Cubic Zirconia, Moissanite, etc.), they could be quite valuable. We would definitely be interested in evaluating them and giving you an offer if you are in the Sacramento, CA area. Please feel free to come by the shop anytime.

  83. Dona says:

    I have a Longines watch that belonged to my grandmother. It is 14k with small diamonds around the face if the watch, I would guess that it was purchased in the 1960’s. Any suggestions as to how to find out the value of this piece and how to sell it ?

    Thank you!

    • Hi Dona, thanks for asking. This is one area where eBay really shines. Try to find your watch or a similar one on eBay or Etsy, and see how much it’s listed for. Another option is to find a local watch specialist, and ask them to evaluate it for you. Many of these shops buy watches, and they will have a good idea of the current market value. If you are in the Sacramento, CA area, there are a few reputable watch dealers I could refer you to.

      When it comes time to sell your watch, you can use the same venues you used to check its value. If you decide to post it on eBay, you may want to checkout our article on how to sell on eBay. Thanks again, and we wish you the best with your watch.

  84. Cheryl says:

    I have a pair of 18k wg stamped diamond brilliant cut 3/4 studs earrings. Cast/assembled with four prong baskets and screw backs. They are GIA graded with report.

    1st diamond is .37 c vs1, color F very good cut, excellent polish and symmetry, faint fluorescence
    2nd is .37 c, vs2, color E, very good cut, excellent polish, very good symmetry, no fluorescence

    They are 14 months old and in perfect condition. Purchased from Blue Nile appraised by their gemologist at $3,500 hundred. I am afraid to sell through eBay because some people claim the box was empty or item wasn’t as described and they return a swap item or get money back from PayPal. What would be a fair price in the Seattle/Tacoma area from a broker, or Craigslist, or pawn shop. I have checked some reviews on local jewelry stores that buy and a lot of people seemed to get better deals at pawn stores.

    I also have a platinum thin cut French cut pave 0.19ct diamond ring from James Allen and 2 18k rose gold pink sapphire pave eternity bands 2.0 mm, 37 eye clean heated pink sapphires from BN and quite a bit more jewelry to sell: at least 4 carat 14k ametrine basket. 1ct Emerald earrings, Emerald cut, 14k wg basket, with small diamonds accents. 925 silver earrings, 14k and 18k gold earrings 3 pair made and purchased in the Middle East, some Silver mint proof American Eagle Silver Dollars. I have a lot of pearl jewelry a few opal pieces accented with diamonds with 14k wg. Some other pieces and some more scrap gold pieces.

    Would one place buy it all? I know this was long so if you get a chance to read it I really appreciate it.

    • Hi Cheryl, it sounds like you have quite a collection there. Thanks for asking. For the earrings, a cash wholesale price would be $750 (when selling to a jeweler or other wholesaler) and a retail price could be anywhere from $1,000 to $1,800. If you would like to learn more about the different types of value (cash wholesale vs. retail), checkout our blog on how jewelry is valued.

      For the rest of the items, we would need a bit more information to be able to give you accurate pricing. In general, you will get the most for your items when you sell them retail either via Craigslsit or eBay. You are right to be cautious with eBay, and I would council you to be careful when selling on Craigslist as well. You may want to checkout our article on how to sell jewelry on Craigslist safely. After retail, you will probably get the most by selling to a jeweler with a trained gemologist buyer. Our buyers, for example, are able to pay for the diamonds and gemstones and not just the gold weight. Few pawn shops that we know of have gemologists on staff, but definitely call around.

      Finally, you will probably get more for the coin by selling it to a collector or a coin dealer than a jeweler or pawn shop. A jeweler will likely only buy the coin for it’s metal value while a coin dealer will be able to evaluate the numismatic or collector value of the coin. Hopefully that helps. Be safe, and we wish you the best on your jewelry selling adventure.

  85. Leo says:

    Hello and thanks for the advice. I have a three-year-old titanium ring with 16 inset 5pt rubies (AA clarity, pinkish red colour). Any idea how much that could fetch? Thanks.

    • Hello Leo, that’s a good question. At this point in time, I have not found an estate market for used titanium rings (even with gemstones or diamonds). At the price point, most people prefer to buy them new. The gemstones by themselves sound like they might be between $25-75 wholesale, however, without seeing them, I can’t say for sure. Feel free to bring the ring by our shop in Sacramento, CA if you are local, and we can do a free value appraisal.

  86. Yasmin says:

    Hi, I have an 18K gold aquamarine ring that was given to me as a gift recently but I doubt I’ll ever wear it but I’m a bit apprehensive about selling it on. It has a 4ct pear-cut aquamarine with quite a deep colour at the centre and 30 or so diamonds set into a split band setting. Do you have any idea what the value of something like that could be and where would be the best place to sell it?

    • Hello Yasmin, that sounds like a lovely ring, and a dark aquamarine is the more valuable type. The yellow gold is going to be your biggest hurdle from a fashion perspective given that most designers today are setting aquamarine in white metal. Without seeing it in person, I can only speculate on the value, and I don’t want to give you bad information. If you would like, you can send me a picture of the ring and any details you know about it, and I can give you a ballpark estimate of the value.

      Where to sell it is a difficult question. I would recommend you get some wholesale offers from jewelers like us (definitely go to buyers that have a gemologist on staff so they will be able to properly evaluate and pay for your gemstone). Or, you can try to sell it retail via classifieds or an online auction site like Ebay. One thing to keep in mind is that aquamarine is very commonly confused with Blue Topaz which has a very different value. If you do plan on selling it via an online auction site, you may want to have it appraised first by a professional gemologist to verify the type of stone in the ring.

      Hopefully that helps and let us know if you have any additional questions.

  87. Ellsworth Tallman says:

    I have a hearts on fire ring. It is a nest ring made after the Olympic stadium, and it is number 1 of 25. I have no idea how to move a piece like this. Thank you.

    • Hi Ellsworth, that’s a good question. To get the most value for a numbered collector’s item like that, you need to find a collector to sell it to. Sometimes eBay is a good place to find these buyers (check out our article on how to sell jewelry on eBay), or you can do some online searching for Olympic collectable communities. Often times, these online communities will have forums that you can post messages to. You can see if anyone there is interested in your ring, and how much they would be willing to pay for it.

      If you don’t want to spend the time to find a collector to sell it to, you can sell it wholesale to a jeweler. A jeweler will likely be interested in buying the ring strictly as a piece of jewelry, however, and not a collector’s item. So, you will probably get less for it if you take this route, but it will be easier, faster, and safer. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what’s most important to you. If you are in the Sacramento, CA area, feel free to bring the ring by our shop, and we can give you a free value appraisal.

      Thanks, be safe, and we wish you the best with selling your ring.

  88. Denise says:

    I inherited a short pearl necklace about 14 years ago from a great aunt – her husband was a jeweler. I have no desire to wear it and see no point in keeping it. At the time it was given to me I was told it was worth $500-700. What can I realistically expect to sell this for? It needs to be restrung as well.

    • Hi Denise, thanks for asking. Unfortunately, pearls are very tricky to appraise without seeing them in person. However, if I had to guess based on what you’ve told me and assuming the pearls themselves are undamaged, they could be as low as $100 to as high as $350. But again, I would have to see them in person to give you an accurate appraisal. Hopefully that helps, and good luck with your pearls.

  89. Susan says:

    I have inherited a few pieces of jewelry from my mother in law. Not to many people buy silver/turquoise earrings. I did have a reputable dealer tell me they were authentic. I also have a pair of earrings that are pure silver. Please tell me what the going rate is now for silver. The dealer also told me that two of the old watches (probably 40’s/50’s) are of course antique, but not worth anything but the gold on the face of it.

    Would you agree with that?

    Would you happen to know any dealers in Arizona?

    Thank you.

    • Hi Susan, those are some good questions. Unfortunately, I don’t have a good referral for you in Arizona at this time, but I can hopefully provide you with a couple pointers on your jewelry.

      For the watches, I would search on eBay to see if you can find your watches. If you are able to find them, you can get a good idea of what they are selling for retail. If not, they may, unfortunately, be worth only their metal and parts value. Some old watches are in demand, and others aren’t. You might want to check out our blog on how jewelry gets its value to learn more on this.

      The silver and turquoise is a different story. Are any of the pieces signed by famous artists? Are they in good condition? If they are dirty, don’t try to clean them yourself. You could inadvertently damage them and lower their value. Pure silver is trading at $16.29 cents per troy oz and sterling would be $15.06 per troy oz. But, if the pieces are in excellent condition and signed by a famous artist, they can be worth much more than their weight in silver.

      Hopefully that helps, and please feel free to ask any follow up questions. Good luck with your jewelry.

  90. Kate says:

    I have a question, I have an amethyst, diamond, gold Bulgari ring. The secondhand seller has the exact same ring for $5,100 on sale. What should I expect as an offer price to buy it from me?

    • Hi Kate, thanks for asking. There are quite a few factors that go into determining the value of a piece of jewelry. In general, you can expect a cash wholesale offer between 25-65% of the retail price you see in the store. However, this is a broad generalization, and there are definitely cases that fall outside of that range. Every store has a different markup and every individual piece is different.

      You might be interested in our blog on how jewelry is valued. It goes into a bit more depth on what factors influence the value of a new or estate piece of jewelry. Hopefully that helps, and feel please free to come by the shop any time for a free value appraisal of your ring.

  91. ALICIA says:

    I have a wedding ring I want to sell. I paid 1500 for the ring. I’ve taken into a couple of stores and they only want to give me the price for the silver. Is there anyway I can sell my ring for more than what the silver price is worth? I really don’t know where to start. Can you guide me in the right direction?

    • Hi Alicia, reselling a wedding ring can be very frustrating and I’m sorry it’s been that way so far for you. The first thing I would recommend is to understand how jewelry is valued. Check out our blog to learn more about the different types of jewelry value.

      One of the things that sets us apart from other jewelers is that, whenever possible, we strive to pay more than just the metal and gem value of the piece of jewelery. But, as you learned from the blog, there are a lot of factors that go into determining the value of a piece. So, please feel free to swing by the next time you are near Sacramento for a free value appraisal.

      In the mean time, you can always try to sell your ring for retail on Craigslist or eBay. You can generally get more this way than selling wholesale to a jeweler, but you have increased risk and time. If you go this route, I suggest meeting at the buyer’s bank, taking along a friend, and reading our guides on how to sell jewelry on eBay and Craigslist. Good luck and be safe.

  92. Andrea says:

    I have both the Replacement Value and the Fair Market Value appraisals of my mother’s estate fine jewelry. Which appraisal ( replacement value of fair market value or both) should I at first show the jewelry dealer? Thank you

    • Hi Andrea, good question. I have found that showing both will help you the most, and will help the jewelry dealer appraise the jewelry quickly and efficiently. Since the dealer will be doing his or her own evaluation of the jewelry, any additional information you can provide (like appraisals) is helpful.

      For reference, you can checkout our article on the different types of appraisals.

  93. Robert Butler says:

    What about brand new jewelry purchased 10-15 yrs ago still with price tag on em bags of gemstones 500ct tw with price tag of 799.99 stuff like that

    • Hi Robert, it sounds like you have an interesting collection there. The new jewelry from 10-15 years ago will still have its intrinsic value, but the styles may have gone out of fashion. You might checkout our recent blog on how jewelry gets its value to see what impact this could have.

      The loose gemstones could be worth a good deal, or very little depending on what they are. I would definitely recommend taking them to a trained gemologist for evaluation (we would be happy to take a look for you). Hope that helps.

  94. Amy says:

    Is it common for a jeweler to keep the jewelry for a week to decide the amount they are willing to give for estate jewelry?

    • Hi Amy, good question. No, that’s not common at all. A good appraiser should be able to evaluate most jewelry while you wait. Very rare or antique pieces may take more time, but they could easily take a few pictures and do the research without having to hold on to the piece. Something doesn’t sound quite right with this situation, and my advice would be to retrieve your jewelry and have it evaluated somewhere else.

  95. Lydia says:


    Would you recommend reputable appraisers and/or buyers for estate jewelry in Miami-Fort Lauderdale/Palm Beach area?

    Thank you.

    • Hi Lydia, thanks for asking. Unfortunately, we don’t have anyone in particular to recommend you in that area at this time. In general, I would recommend visiting a couple different shops in your area. If your piece has diamonds or gemstones in it, be sure to find a gemologist jewelry buyer who can accurately evaluate your jewelry and not just buy it for the gold weight. Good luck and be safe.

  96. Judy says:

    We have jewelry that we inherited. All came with appraisals done in 1990’s. We are wondering what the difference is between appraisal value and what market value might be.

    • Hi Judy, good question. There are a couple factors to consider here. First, the value of gold and diamonds has gone up since the 1990’s, so your appraised values could be higher today if you were to have your pieces reappraised. Second, as you are aware, market value is a very different concept than appraised value. In general, the market value of a piece will be between 10-50% of its appraised value depending on numerous factors such as: condition, style, intrinsic value of components, rarity, designer, etc.

      We do free, no obligation value appraisals. So, if you’re curious what the current market value of your pieces are, just bring them in. Our gemologists would be happy to evaluate them for you.

  97. Laura says:

    This has been very informative! I do have several pieces of jewelry left to me from my parents estate and have considered getting appraisals before deciding to sell. Unfortunately I am located in a small rural area in south central MN and have no idea who would be a reputable group to have look at the items. Do you have a location in MN or know of an associate/group that could help? Thank you! Blessings on your day.

    • Hi Laura, thanks for the kind words. Unfortunately, we don’t have any locations or contacts in MN at this time. But, if you’re ever in the Sacramento, CA area, we would to be happy to help. 🙂 Good luck and be safe.

  98. Michael Dinneen says:

    My wife wants to sell one of her rings and it’s so difficult to know who to trust. This is her ring:
    Handmade platinum and diamond 3-stone ring centering
    one 9.16 x 8.99 x 6.28mm, colorless, very slightly included, Asscher cut diamond weighing 4.31 carats without flourescence (GIA grade (E) – VS-1 report # 12266057, dated October 15, 2002), flanked by a pair of colorless, very slightly included, Asscher cut diamonds, weighing 1.03 carats and 1.02 carats without flourescence (GIA grade (F) VS-1, reports #12804144 and 12790368)
    Certification Type: GIA
    Certificate #: 12266057,12804144,12790368
    Any ideas – we’re in the NYC area?

    • Hi Michael, that sounds like a lovely ring. Since you have the diamond certificates, I would email picture of them and the ring to several of the diamond dealers in your city. Then, pick the top two or three, and visit them in person so they can take a look. I would not recommend mailing a ring like this. If you were closer, I would just have you swing by since we buy diamond rings like this. 🙂

      If you want to go the “retail” route and sell through Craigslist, be very aware of the security implications. Only meet at a secure location (like a bank), and be cautious. We have an article on how to sell jewelry on Craigslist that might be helpful.

  99. Mary Wickwire says:

    My mother left me her jewelry. Most of it is costume; however, some of it is from the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s. I have found your website as a place to start. The task seems overwhelming right now. Mary

    • Hi Mary, that does sound like a daunting task. We would be happy to help you sort through the jewelry at no charge, so you can know what is costume and what is fine jewelry. Our gemologist jewelry buyers are great at quickly identifying that kind of thing. We don’t buy costume jewelry, but we can certainly make you a great offer on any of the fine jewelry. You can head over to the contact us page to get our location and hours. Hopefully that helps.

  100. Dowling says:

    I have two gold rings one with a square sapphire surrounded by tiny diamonds and another that’s an amethyst also surrounded by small diamonds. They were bought in the 80’s. They are in good condition and have rarely been worn, I want to sell them, but am unsure as whether to post them on craigslist, pawn shops, ebay, try to sell to to a jeweler, etc.?

    I am located on the coast in North Carolina. Any advice would be very appreciated!

    • That’s a tough question, and it really depends on what’s most important to you. In general, you can get more by selling the pieces “retail” on Craigslist or eBay, but you also have the time and risks associated with that strategy. Check out our articles on how to sell jewelry on Craigslist and eBay for more info on that approach. If you need money quickly or you don’t want to deal with the hassle of selling the pieces “retail,” you can “wholesale” them to a local jeweler or pawn shop.

      Make sure you pick a jeweler with a gemologist jewelry buyer who will pay for the entire piece (including your Sapphire) and not just the gold weight. We don’t recommend mailing your jewelry to the popular Cash for Gold operations. You can read more about why in our blog: Cash for Gold vs Cash for Jewelry. Whatever you decide, be safe and get a few offers before you sell. Good luck.

  101. Dedra says:

    I have a ring that has been appraised to $15,000 very brilliant diamonds almost perfect one of a kind custom made I really want to sell it I’m even willing to take a loss because I really need to sell it quick

  102. David Love says:

    I have 5 or 6 custom created Ruby Arrowheads that I purchased wholesale maybe 10 or 12 years ago. I got them on a huge discount and was going to give them as gifts but I put them away…..and just now found them again. I am wondering how I can determine their worth. Each one has a card with it, and they all pretty much say the same thing:
    Gem: Ruby Arrowhead
    Origin: Created
    Weight: 2.32
    Color: Red
    Clarity: LI
    Cut: Arrowhead
    Enhancement: Created
    and they each have a certification # with them. How can I go about determining their value these days?

    Thank you,

    • Hi David,

      Sounds like you have some interesting pieces there. Without seeing them in person, we can’t really give you an good assessment, but please feel free to come into the shop. We’ll have one of our gemologists take a look, and we’ll give you a free value appraisal.

      Arden Jewelers

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