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Fine Jewelry University Articles matching: “Free online gem appraisal”
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How to Value Inherited Jewelry
…How can one item of jewelry be worth both $3,000 and $300? It is the standard of value. There are four main jewelry appraisal standards. Each standard prescribes a set of guidelines for determining jewelry values. The four standards are: … is critical to an equitable resolution for the family and friends. Replacement Value The most popular jewelry appraisal is an insurance appraisal for replacement purpose. Many people only know of this one type of appraisal. It produces the …
How to Sell Jewelry on eBay and Other Websites
… it takes to sell, shipping and supplies, insurance, the fees for credit card processing, other fees for things like appraisals, etc.). Two types of people shop online. First, there are the ones who are looking for something unique and are …Safeguards and presentation are critical when selling jewelry online Take a few great photos of your jewelry from different angles. Think about how you want to present your jewelry. Do …. The success of eBay helped a much older business the pawn shops. The pawn shops who sell jewelry on eBay and other online sites are willing to take much less because they buy them so cheap. Unfortunately, they may be your biggest …
How to Sell Jewelry on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace
…selling jewelry on Craigslist or Marketplace isn’t something you want to do, come by Arden Jewelers for a free value appraisal of your jewelry. If you like our offer, you can get cash on the spot for your gold and jewelry. Our gemologist …Selling jewelry on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and other online local classified sites is a great way to get cash for your jewelry, but there are some things that you should … pick that up in time to help you not get ripped off. Fraud should be next on your mind when selling jewelry through online classifieds Cash is usually the best payment method. Checks of all kinds (personal, cashiers checks, money orders, …
Frequently Asked Question about Jewelry
… to fake unsuspecting diamond buyer out of their money. What is the difference between a Diamond Certificate and an Appraisal? A Diamond Certificate is a document issued by a Gemological Laboratory describing a Loose Diamond. The laboratory … retains its value over a long period of time, assuming the Diamond does not chip or is not otherwise altered. An appraisal can be performed on a loose Diamond, a mounted stone, or jewelry. If the stone is not loose, the physical properties …
How to Clean Pearl Jewelry
… become caught around the knots should be removed with a toothpick very carefully. Pearls should be dried on a lint-free towel, laying them on an absorbent towel should hasten the drying process. If the pearls are worn frequently, they … and it will not stretch. Pearls should never be stored with other jewelry. They should be stored in a moisture-free environment and should not be stored in a plastic bag. Pearls should always be wiped on a soft, lint-free cloth before …
What are “Blood Diamonds”?
… industry also adopted a voluntary System of Warranties to assure consumers that their diamonds are from sources free of conflict. Today, 71 governments have enshrined into their national law the Kimberley Process Certification System, … companies that are committed to the Kimberley Process. now more than 99% of the world’s diamonds are from conflict free sources While diamonds have been used to fund conflict, the problem is not the diamonds themselves but the rebels who…
Synthetic Gems: The Whole Story
…. Unfortunately paper work is no guarantee of the facts of the gem. Some gemologist made an honest mistake on appraisals or I have seen gem reports that are just fraudulent. In conclusion, synthetic gems are not bad, fakes, or the curse of a …Ruby, sapphire, emerald and alexandrite are very beautiful gems and very rare in their stunning beauty. These four gems have been coveted by rulers and the rich for thousands of … if anyone could own them? At gem shows and museums, I have seen jaw dropping rubies, sapphires and emeralds. These gems in high quality have put ownership beyond most people to justify the price. Just a one carat gem could cost $3,000 …
What to Do When Your Ring Irritates Your Skin
…. This can lead to a confusing situation where a ring suddenly begins to irritate someone after years of problem free wear. A change in diet, again, could also lead to irritation due to a change in the skin’s chemical composition. Adding … even if nothing changed it is possible to suddenly become allergic to jewelry that you have been wearing trouble free for many years. and reactions to metals can begin hours to days after contact and may last for several weeks. Before we…
Caring for and Cleaning Your Jewelry
… use toothpicks and dental floss. Be careful not to scratch the metal or lift the prongs. A final wipe with a lint-free cloth will remove any dust or water spots. One final cleaning precaution, do the cleaning in a bowl on a clean table …moves, don’t wear it and have a professional jeweler tighten the gem. Most jewelry stores will check you jewelry for free. Take advantage of this service. Know your jewelry. Some jewelry designs are very robust; others are very delicate. …