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Fine Jewelry University Articles matching: “Gem in the Spotlight”
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Gem in the Spotlight: Opal
Opal has been described as containing the wonders of the skies, sparkling rainbows, fireworks, and lightning. Its dazzling play of color is totally unique in … for those lucky enough to born in October, and it is found in a huge variety of colors (sometimes all within the same stone). Gemology of Opal Opal’s captivating dance of colors is a result of its unique internal structure. This …spheres arranged in a pattern, which diffract light and create the spectacular play of colors known as opalescence . The colors seen in an opal depend on the size and arrangement of these spheres as well as the background colors and the …
Gem in the Spotlight: Tanzanite
Beauty and rarity are two wonderful traits in a gemstone. Tanzanite has them both. In fact, it is estimated that Tanzanite is 1,000 times rarer than diamond. But, what …’s gorgeous color is a captivating mix of blue and purple. The deep hues of violet, indigo, and blue come together in an unrivaled blend only found in tanzanite. Yet, even with its rarity and dynamic look, tanzanite is still less in … than more commonly known gems like rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. Gemology of Tanzanite Gemologists refer to this gem as blue zoisite. The vast majority (current estimates are around 95%) of tanzanite is heat treated to help bring out…
Gem in the Spotlight: Ruby
For much of human history, rubies have been the most prized gemstone. But, what is it about this red gem that has captivated our hearts and minds for so long? Is it… high cost? Or, is it something deeper? Whatever it is, ruby’s impact on humanity is broad and deep, with arguably the richest history of all gemstones. Gemology of Ruby Rubies are in the corundum gem family along with sapphires. … only to diamond (which has a Moh’s hardness of 10) and moissanite (which is in between). Rubies only occur in the color red which comes from trace amounts of chromium in the crystal structure. If they are too purple or too pink, they …
Gem in the Spotlight: Garnet
Garnet’s rich history and varieties demonstrate garnets are more than the little red gem. Garnets allow for great personal diversity and style. The wide world of garnets invites all to … babies born in the midst of cold, white (valley fog) and at times stark surroundings are rewarded with one of the most varying birth gemstones…Garnet. Garnet’s pizzazz energizes the gloomiest day. Garnet varieties brighten the world …shades of red. Garnets are given as symbols of consistency, perseverance and good health. Garnet is also regarded as the gem of faith, constancy and truth and possesses many curative powers. Garnets are given as symbols of consistency, …
Gem in the Spotlight: Emerald
Springtime exudes life, full of bright colors and renewed energy. Emerald, May’s gemstone, captures this enthusiasm for life in rich elegance. This precious gemstone has been revered for over 4,000 … Emerald Emeralds are a member of the beryl mineral family (along with morganite and aquamarine) and are valued for their rich green color. The intensity of an emerald’s hue depends on the presence of chromium and vanadium in the crystal… Mohs hardness rating is 7.5-8 making it softer than sapphire and harder than amethyst and other quartz varieties. The refractive index of emerald ranges from 1.57 to 1.58, making it a moderately refractive gemstone. Its specific gravity…
Gem in the Spotlight: Sapphire
Few gems capture the imagination as does sapphire. Sapphire’s beauty inspired people to wonder. Ancient cultures had many …beliefs about the sapphire. The ancient Persians believed the earth rested on a giant sapphire whose reflection gave the sky its color. Ancient priests and sorcerers honored sapphire above all gems, for this stone enabled them to … and foretell the future. Symbolizing truth, sincerity and tradition, it has been said that when Moses received the Ten Commandments they rested on tablets of sapphires. Marriage partners put great faith in the stone. If its luster …
Gem in the Spotlight: Amethyst
Amethyst is known for its beautiful purple color, and it is the most important quartz variety used in jewelry. Purple has long been considered a royal color, so it is not … amethyst has been in so much demand throughout history. Gemology Amethyst is a variety of quartz that is colored by the presence iron and aluminum. The violet color of amethyst can range from a pale lavender to a deep, dark purple, and …. Amethyst is typically found in Brazil, Uruguay, and Madagascar, but it can also be found in smaller deposits in other countries such as Russia, the United States, and Canada. Amethyst is known for its durability with a Mohs hardness …
Gem in the Spotlight: Quartz
… surprising? What is affordably priced sometimes and sometimes unattainably expensive? If you answered quartz to all these questions you would be right (but naturally you looked at the title and knew). Quartz is one of the most common …Many quartz varieties are cut into gemstones, but some varieties are very rare. Some are ordinary like rock quartz, others are exotic like Drusy Quartz. Some quartz material is a dollar per pound while others are $1,000+ per carat. …
Gem in the Spotlight: Tourmaline
Tourmaline is one of the most beautiful gems that you’ve probably never heard of. Less popular than the likes of ruby or sapphire, tourmaline… any color you can imagine, and people have most likely used and appreciated it for hundreds of years. But, before the advent of modern gemology, most tourmaline was believed to be ruby, sapphire, or emerald. Gemology of Tourmaline … and not a species or member of a different family (unlike emerald and aquamarine, for example, which are members of the beryl family). It has a refractive index of 1.624 to 1.644 and a Mohs hardness of 7 to 7.5 which makes it softer …