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Fine Jewelry University Articles matching: “Marquise diamond solitare 14k gold”
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Diamond Brokering
Serving you is our passion. Making our expertise available to you coupled with our value hunting system makes the diamond buying experience a positive one. Please feel free to ask any questions and explore what we can do for you. Using a … you through your diamond purchase insures the mastery of the minute details in diamond evaluations. Did you know diamonds of the same grade could be thousands of dollars different in price? A subtle difference in a diamond impacts the price…
Learn Secret Diamond Buying Skills From a Professional Diamond Buyer
One of the most valuable memories in life is the look of your love when she sees that shining diamond ring on her finger for the first time. If there are any magic moments in life, that is one. Nothing expresses love …. This rare natural stone’s history and lore of romance makes all who receive one the center of their universe. A diamond‘s beauty energizes the whole person with a light show unique in the gem world. Diamonds are unique, just like the love …, but unlike love we must put a value on a diamond. Understanding the 4 C’s of Diamonds The value factors of a diamond are like anything else, supply and demand, but when you can carry a million dollars worth in your pocket the standards to …
How to Tell If a Diamond Is Natural or Lab Grown
How can I know if my diamond is real? This is a question we get all the time, and it’s not as simple as you might think. First, you have to … are not familiar with lab grown diamonds, you might want to check out our introduction to lab grown and synthetic diamonds before continuing with this article. So, now you know that lab grown diamonds are just as real as natural diamonds, …comes to diamond simulants like Cubic Zirconia (CZ) or Moissanite, it is easy to identify them because they aren’t diamonds. But, with lab grown diamonds, the chemical structure and properties are all the same as natural diamond, so it …
What are “Blood Diamonds”?
Conflict diamonds are diamonds illegally traded to fund conflict in war-torn areas, particularly in central and western Africa. The … action in opposition to those governments, or in contravention of the decisions of the Security Council.” These diamonds are sometimes referred to as “blood diamonds.” In July 2000, the global diamond industry made clear to the … the Kimberley Process Certification System. This system was formally adopted in 2003 and guards against conflict diamonds entering the legitimate diamond supply chain. The diamond industry also adopted a voluntary System of Warranties to …
Frequently Asked Question about Jewelry
… industry is staggering. What is Moissanite? Moissanite is lab-created silicon carbide. It has become an excellent diamond imitation since it gives a positive reading on a thermal inertia testers (diamond testers). Some people use this … diamond buyer out of their money. What is the difference between a Diamond Certificate and an Appraisal? A Diamond Certificate is a document issued by a Gemological Laboratory describing a Loose Diamond. The laboratory will not issue …
Is a Lab Grown Diamond Right for Me?
Picking a diamond for your engagement ring is a big decision. For most of us, buying a diamond is a significant financial undertaking… don’t have (anyone remember their refractive indexes from high school physics?). Even more unfortunately, the diamond industry suffers from a lot of misinformation and paranoia both from inside the trade and from outside observers. I have … conflict diamonds (both wild falsehoods). On the other hand, I have heard some in the industry refer to lab grown diamonds as fakes (also completely false). We’re here to help cut through some of the rhetoric, so you can make an informed …
Jewelry Repair FAQ
… just the way it did before a gemstone fell out; who wouldn’t? That’s why we have literally 100s of carats of loose diamonds, sapphires, rubies, opals, pearls, and more in all shapes and sizes to choose from when selecting a replacement …the way it used to again. What is retipping, and why do I need it? In a large number of jewelry pieces, the valuable diamonds and gemstones are held in place with prongs. With wear, the tops of these prongs can become worn down. If the …
Jewelry Solder: What You Should Know
… we first have to understand metal alloys. If you haven’t already, now would be a great time to read our article on gold purity . Now you should know that the metals that make up our jewelry are actually a mix of multiple different metals… gold jewelry, but the same concepts also apply to silver and platinum as well. If your ring is made out of 14 karat gold, you know that approximately 56% of it is gold with the rest being made up by a variety of different metals like …
Gem in the Spotlight: Peridot
…gem of the sun”. It was believed that peridot could chase away evil spirits and dissolve curses but only when set in gold. Peridot is the birthstone for August. It is also the accepted anniversary gemstone for the 16th year of marriage. … Peridot could chase away evil spirits and break curses. Some legends added that this can only happen when it set in gold. Peridots were favored by pirates, considered powerful amulets against all evil, and when set in gold, were said to …