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Fine Jewelry University Articles matching: “Marquise diamond solitare 14k gold”
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Caring for and Cleaning Your Jewelry
How to Clean Jewelry A diamond‘s spectacular beauty is due to its light show. Diamonds make light reflect, show its many colors, and dazzle. To … and lotions add a coating that stops the light show. Dust and dirt stick to the grease and oils creating a lifeless diamond. Cleaning your diamond jewelry at home is simple and rewarding. Use a soft toothbrush and mild soap then rinse … key to diamond cleaning is the underneath side or pavilion. The light needs a clean surface to bounce upward. The diamond may need to be scrubbed several times before all the build up is removed. Some don’ts of jewelry cleaning. Never use …
…white luster, have made platinum an increasingly popular choice for jewelry, either on its own or as the setting for diamonds and other precious gemstones. Platinum jewelry does not fade or tarnish and keeps its looks for a lifetime. …the strongest and most enduring metals. Some of the world’s greatest treasures are set in platinum, such as the Hope Diamond. It is also one of the heaviest, weighing 60% more than gold. The word platinum sometimes enjoys a cachet higher …
Gem in the Spotlight: Quartz
…eading names for gems. Quartz seems to have more than its fair share of misnomers. One famous one is “Alaska Diamond” for rock crystal alongside “Herkimer Diamonds” (see below). In recent times, the term “Green Amethyst,” which was commonly … (yes you read that correctly) slab of natural clear quartz and is one of the largest clusters ever found. Herkimer diamonds are a famous type of quartz not for their rarity, but for their ability to pass for diamonds to the untrained eye. …
Alternative Metals for Men’s Jewelry
… are some potential cons to wearing a titanium ring that you should consider. Titanium rings can be cut off with a diamond-tip ring cutter, but because of their very high strength, Titanium rings are much more difficult to cut off than other…. Tungsten is rated at about a 9 on the Mohs scale of hardness which is the same as Ruby or Sapphire and just below diamond (which is 10). Like these gems, tungsten is very scratch resistant and will not bend out of shape, but it will break …
How to Value Inherited Jewelry
… lower than even the intrinsic value of a piece. We have even heard of cases where a ring with a one carat diamond and $50 in scrap gold was valued at $50 by these operations. The intrinsic values for the gems are based on the cash wholesale… the gem minus any cost for re-cutting or re-polishing the gem if it is worn or cut in an obsolete style. Intrinsic diamond and gem prices are not readily available like precious metal prices are to the general public. The gold, platinum, …
How to Sell Your Jewelry
…condition. Some gems have a higher value then others. A natural ruby is worth many times more then a synthetic ruby. Diamonds are generally more valuable then amethysts. Knowing your gem’s grade and rarity will help with understanding its … out right for an immediate transaction. Jewelry brokers are usually found in major cities and include a jewelry and diamond finding service. Pawn shops and secondhand dealers are another type of walk-in and sell option. Most work on a cash …
Brands and Designer Jewelry
… brand jewelry must keep its promise to the customer to deliver a superior product. This is a no compromise area. The jewelry must meet the most stringent of quality standards. Jewelry brands must use quality metals (like high-karat gold and platinum), first-rate gems, and highly skilled jewelers to meet their obligation. Status When a jewelry brand reaches a level of excellence in style and quality of workmanship it attains a level of status. Brands like Tiffany & …
Gem in the Spotlight: Garnet
… of cold, white (valley fog) and at times stark surroundings are rewarded with one of the most varying birth gemstones…Garnet. Garnet’s pizzazz energizes the gloomiest day. Garnet varieties brighten the world in colors of yellow to gold, bright orange to true orange, brown to cinnamon, pinks to greens, and of course many shades of red. Garnets are given as symbols of consistency, perseverance and good health. Garnet is also regarded as the gem of faith, constancy and …
Art Deco vs. Art Nouveau Style Jewelry
…art. Many Art Nouveau jewelry pieces were made in silver, but white gold and platinum were quite common as well. The diamonds used in Art Nouveau jewelry were typically Old Mine cuts, but Old European cut stones were also included as they … and the Machine Age. Precious metals like platinum and white gold alongside rare and valuable gemstones such as diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires, were the materials of choice for Art Deco jewelry makers. The most prevalent diamond cut …