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Gem in the Spotlight: Tourmaline
… the power to grant enlightenment, give power over spiritual affairs, reconcile opposites, and change base metals to gold. Tourmaline has a special place in our hearts as California natives because it is one of the few gems that are found…
Styles of Earring Backs
… put in and take out. CONS Losing an Earring – The backless style is not as secure as lever backs or other similar styles Irritant – If used with costume jewelry made of non-precious metals, it may cause irritation to sensitive skin. Gold options found on more valuable jewelry do not typically have this problem. Lever Backs (European Backs) Lever backs, sometimes called European backs, have a curved ear wire instead of a straight post, and have a hinged lever piece that…
Gem in the Spotlight: Emerald
… celebrities have had a fondness for emeralds for many years. Elizabeth Taylor received a 23.46 carat emerald and diamond pendant/brooch from her future husband Richard Burton during the shooting of Cleopatra . She wore the emerald on her … seen on display at the National Museum of Natural History in a platinum and gold ring surrounded by 60 pear-shaped diamonds. According to workers at the Muzo mine in Columbia, it is one of the finest green emeralds ever discovered Care and …
What Are Lab Grown Diamonds?
In the simplest terms, lab grown diamonds are diamonds that have been made by people instead of mined out of the earth. If it’s so simple, you might wonder …this sentence. The complexity arises from the fact that lots of different terms have been used to describe lab grown diamonds and their cousins, and not everyone uses these terms in the same way. So, let’s begin with some vocabulary. … mean man-made, copied, unreal, or even imitation. But, in this context, what do we mean when we say “synthetic diamond”? In the gemological world, synthetic is a highly technical term. When speaking technically, synthetic gems are man-made …
Gem in the Spotlight: Topaz
…ht. History and Lore Topaz in its pure form is naturally colorless, clear like a diamond. The famous “Braganza Diamond” was thought to be the largest diamond ever found (prior to the Cullinan Diamond) at 1,680 carats and was set in the Portu… to put coatings on lenses for glasses and cameras. It is also one of the processes that is used to create lab grown diamonds . A thin, multi-colored film is bonded on the surface of colorless topaz to create all the colors you see in Mystic…
Gem in the Spotlight: Blue Zircon
… of zircon creates one of the liveliest displays found in any colored gem. In fact, before any of the manmade diamond simulates were made, the colorless version of zircon was used in jewelry to mimic diamond. Why? Natural zircon is known for…, brown, or red variety of Zircon. Jargon is the colorless, pale gray, or pale yellow variety of Zircon. Matura Diamond is another trade name for colorless Zircon. Starlite is the name for the blue gem variety of Zircon. The color of …
Synthetic Gems: The Whole Story
… to plastic to high tech chemical tongue twister like gadolinium gallium garnet (also called GGG) and the modern diamond simulant Moissanite, a man made silicon carbide. In gemology, any material used to look like a gem is called a simulant… clear glass, rock quartz, GGG, and Moissanite are all diamond simulants. They look like diamonds, but they are not diamonds. These simulants are easy for a well trained and equipped gemologist to detect. But if you had gem material that is …
Gem in the Spotlight: Sapphire
… contains several sapphires. One of them, the Saint Edward’s Sapphire, is a large sapphire set in the center of a diamond cross on top of the British Imperial Crown. According to legend, Edward the Confessor, King of the Anglo-Saxons from …, green, orange, and golden yellow are magnificent in any jewelry. See More on Etsy › With the exception of the diamond, which measures 10 on the Mohs scale, sapphire and ruby (9 on the Mohs scale) are the toughest and most durable gemstones…
Gem in the Spotlight: Jade
… like splitting hairs, but it actually has a big impact on how gems are worn and what they can handle. We all know diamonds are the hardest gem commonly available on earth. If you scraped them together, a diamond would scratch a piece of …mark on the diamond. However, if you decided to smack both gems with a hammer (please don’t try this at home), the diamond would have a greater chance of shattering than the tougher jade. Nephrite: A silicate rich in calcium, iron and …