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Fine Jewelry University Articles matching: “Men wedding o”

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  1. A collection of jade jewelry and loose gems

    Gem in the Spotlight: Jade

    … for agricultural tools and weapons such as axe heads and knives. Jade has also been used to create musical instruments such as chimes, xylophones, and gongs. Jadeite was incredibly important to the Mayans and Aztecs. They used it for …they are rocks. These particular rocks are made up of silicon and oxygen as the primary components, but the other elements are what make them special. The arrangement of these atoms in its crystal structure is what gives jade its …

  2. A computer rendering of a fake diamond

    Fake Diamonds: The Great Diamond Attack

    …, and it gives a positive reading on a diamond tester. But science fights back with a Moissanite tester. This instrument has the ability to identify Moissanite. More on Moissanite Moissanite also has some gemological properties (it is a … meanings. Synthetic is one of those words. Synthetic, in the gem world, means made of the same chemicals (elements) and crystal design as nature but is man made. So, a synthetic diamond is the same chemistry (carbon element) and crystal…

  3. Beautiful iolite jewelry and loose gemstones

    Gem in the Spotlight: Iolite

    … pleochroic and will exhibit a different color when viewed at different angles.  Pleochroism is an optical phenomenon in which a substance appears to be different colors when observed at different angles, especially with polarized light… for this purpose. On a cloudy day, without being able to see the sun, iolite was used to find north. This phenomenon can still be observed today. However, if you ever need to find north, I would recommend a different approach. Just use …

  4. The 4 Cs of Diamonds

    Diamond Buying Guide: The 4 C’s

    If you understand how diamonds are graded, you have a better chance of finding the right one for you. At Arden Jewelers, … are more than happy to answer any questions you have so please feel free to visit us anytime. Carat Weight Diamonds are small, so the scale that is used to describe diamond weights uses very small units. A carat equals 1/5 of one gram…carat is divided into 100 points. A diamond can be described as 75 points or 0.75 carats or 3/4 of a carat. It is a good practice to know the exact weight of a diamond when buying or selling. The weight of a diamond is often thought of…

  5. Early attempts at making lab grown diamonds

    How Are Lab Grown Diamonds Made?

    … have claimed to have successfully synthesized diamonds. However, it was not until relatively recently that a documented and reproducible process was demonstrated. Henri Moissan was one of the early pioneers in the field. In 1893, he …the belt press, the cubic press, and the split-sphere (BARS) press. The goal of each process is to create an environment of extremely high pressure and temperature where diamond growth can occur. Each process starts with a small diamond …

  6. Nickel in jewelry can cause allergic reactions

    What to Do When Your Ring Irritates Your Skin

    Nothing is more frustrating than being unable to wear your engagement ring or other jewelry because it irritates your skin. Don’t worry. There are many options you have when faced with …, and if you have a severe allergic reaction, it would probably be best to consult a dermatologist. Feel free to comment or contact us with any questions you have. Also, please visit the shop to get our advice on what the best solution …. The first step is to try to determine what the cause of the irritation is. There are actually several different possible causes and it’s easy to waste a lot of time and money trying different solutions if you don’t know what the true…

  7. Lasers are now used for jewelry repair

    Laser Jewelry Repair

    When you hear laser you probably think of blowing things up (all you sci-fi people) or high tech scientific experiments or even crazy villains trying to take over the world with a “laser”. One of the last things you think a laser can … to fix jewelry with glass stones that a torch would overheat and destroy. Inexpensive jewelry that has great sentimental value but could not be fixed at any price in the past can now be fixed with a laser. Now Arden jewelers can help …

  8. Group of loose topaz gems and topaz jewelry

    Gem in the Spotlight: Topaz

    … times, topaz was believed to protect its wearer. Topaz was also thought to initiate healing, increase or maintain mental health, and even allow the wearer to go unseen by enemies. In the Victorian era, blue topaz signified faithfulness … era has given us many new advances in gems. One of the biggest is blue topaz. Gem suppliers use a neutron bombardment method in a nuclear reactor to produce the London Blue Topaz. An electron bombardment in a linear accelerator results …

  9. Group of loose spinel gemstones with finished jewelry

    Gem in the Spotlight: Spinel

    …of Spinel With a Moh’s hardness of 8 and good toughness spinel is a great choice for all forms of jewelry. We recommend occasional wear for rings and bracelets, but earrings and pendants are suitable for daily wear. Spinel can come in … as more than just “looks like ruby but isn’t.” A special variety of spinel called magnetite contains trace elements of iron and is naturally magnetic. This unique property made it especially valuable, and it was used hundreds of years …