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Fine Jewelry University Articles matching: “P10K Gold”
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Is a Lab Grown Diamond Right for Me?
…, and a proven track record of incredible prices. P. S. If you are considering a lab grown diamond, be sure to checkout Balance , our own collection of unique engagement rings made exclusively with lab
The Birthstones
…, Garnet. Garnet’s pizzazz energizes the gloomiest day. Garnet varieties brighten the world in colors of yellow to gold, bright orange to true orange, brown to cinnamon, pinks to greens, and of course many shades of red. Garnets are given…gem of the sun”. It was believed that peridot could chase away evil spirits and dissolve curses but only when set in gold. Care should be taken to protect peridot from scratches, sharp blows, household chemicals and extreme temperature …
Gem in the Spotlight: Tourmaline
… the power to grant enlightenment, give power over spiritual affairs, reconcile opposites, and change base metals to gold. Tourmaline has a special place in our hearts as California natives because it is one of the few gems that are found…
Gem in the Spotlight: Tanzanite
… pieces eventually showcased at the Tanzania National Museum. The Queen of Kilimanjaro tiara contains the largest faceted tanzanite in the world. The tiara also contains 913 diamonds and 803 tsavorite garnets all set in 18 karat white gold. It is owned by former Apple CEO Michael Scott who routinely loans it out for display at museums. Care and Cleaning of Tanzanite While tanzanite is stable and won’t be harmed under normal conditions the low hardness and poor to fair …
Styles of Earring Backs
… put in and take out. CONS Losing an Earring – The backless style is not as secure as lever backs or other similar styles Irritant – If used with costume jewelry made of non-precious metals, it may cause irritation to sensitive skin. Gold options found on more valuable jewelry do not typically have this problem. Lever Backs (European Backs) Lever backs, sometimes called European backs, have a curved ear wire instead of a straight post, and have a hinged lever piece that…
Anatomy of a Ring
… add or remove metal from the bottom of the shank when sizing a ring. This can sometimes be done so well that you would never know it was sized looking at the shank with your naked eye. Over time, the shank can wear thin—yes, even gold and platinum can wear away. In such cases a jeweler can “re-shank” the ring by replacing the metal at the bottom of the shank, going as far up the sides as the design and the extent of the wear require. If you are careful with your rings…
How Are Lab Grown Diamonds Made?
The dream of making a beautiful and valuable diamond from simple carbon has long captivated the imagination of scientists and visionaries alike. Just like the alchemists of old who sought to turn lead into gold, many have tried to achieve this impressive feat. We have only recently been able to produce gem quality, lab grown diamonds that are large enough to be used in jewelry. But, how is it done? Early Efforts Throughout history, many …
Gem in the Spotlight: Emerald
… is a famous 37.8 carat emerald known for its clarity and rich green color. It was donated to the Smithsonian by Mr. and Mrs. O. Roy Chalk in 1972 and can be seen on display at the National Museum of Natural History in a platinum and gold ring surrounded by 60 pear-shaped diamonds. According to workers at the Muzo mine in Columbia, it is one of the finest green emeralds ever discovered Care and Cleaning of Emerald Like all precious gemstones, emeralds require proper …