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Fine Jewelry University Articles matching: “Romany ruby ring”

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  1. Three loose rubies in a row triangle oval and pear shaped

    Gem in the Spotlight: Ruby

    …most prized gemstone. But, what is it about this red gem that has captivated our hearts and minds for so long? Is it ruby’s color? It’s rarity, and thereby its high cost? Or, is it something deeper? Whatever it is, ruby’s impact on … with sapphires. Corundum is an extremely durable form of aluminum oxide with a Moh’s hardness of 9. This makes ruby one of the hardest gems commonly used in jewelry second only to diamond (which has a Moh’s hardness of 10) and moissanite…

  2. Collection of sapphire jewelry and loose sapphire gemstones in many colors

    Gem in the Spotlight: Sapphire

    … sacred and was worn by priests to show their connection to the sky and heaven. Sapphires were set in the Bishop’s ring as a symbol of unity between the priest, the sky and heaven. Sapphire has been associated with divine favor. The … Anglo-Saxons from 1042-1066, met a beggar one day. King Edward had nothing of value on him except for his sapphire ring, which he generously gave to the beggar. The beggar was really a messenger from God, who later returned the ring to …

  3. Synthetic Gems: The Whole Story

    Ruby, sapphire, emerald and alexandrite are very beautiful gems and very rare in their stunning beauty. These four gems … price. Just a one carat gem could cost $3,000 and more. Most of the time people don’t wear them as an engagement ring where people can spend over $10,000 routinely. The answer was to find a less expensive way to have these gems. It took … this a synthetic gem. Synthetic gems are not bad, fakes, or the curse of a modern society. So a man made synthetic ruby has the same exact chemical formula and crystal structure and optical characteristics as a natural ruby. How can a …

  4. Group of loose spinel gemstones with finished jewelry

    Gem in the Spotlight: Spinel

    …hardness of 8 and good toughness spinel is a great choice for all forms of jewelry. We recommend occasional wear for rings and bracelets, but earrings and pendants are suitable for daily wear. Spinel can come in virtually any color of the…. Because of how easily it can be created in a lab, synthetic spinel has been used to imitate many other gemstones (ruby, sapphire, tourmaline, zircon, etc.). In fact, the ubiquity of synthetic spinel may be part of the reason why most …

  5. A group of alexandrite jewelyr and loose gems shown in different light to demonstrate color change

    Gem in the Spotlight: Alexandrite

    Emerald by day, ruby by night, more expensive than diamond and more illustrious than sapphire, emerald, or even ruby, alexandrite has … component, the stone will appear redder. Alexandrite has a refractive index of 1.746-1.755 with an average birefringence of .010. It has a specific gravity of 3.73 and a Mohs hardness of 8.5. Because of its high hardness, alexandrite is … alexandrite’s tremendous value and rarity, it is recommended to be worn carefully or put in jewelry such as earrings or pendants that are less prone to impacts than rings, for example. Alexandrite isn’t the only stone to display color-…

  6. The Birthstones

    …lore surrounding garnets is that it protects the wearer from nightmares, promotes long-lasting love, and prevents hearing difficulties. Learn more about Garnet and Tasvorite Garnet February’s Birthstone: Amethyst Amethyst, transparent … the Middle Ages. It was, in particular, considered to be the stone of bishops and bishops still often wear amethyst rings. The Greek work “amethystos” basically can be translated as “not drunken.” Amethyst was considered to be a strong …

  7. Tourmaline jewelry and loose gems

    Gem in the Spotlight: Tourmaline

    Tourmaline is one of the most beautiful gems that you’ve probably never heard of. Less popular than the likes of ruby or sapphire, tourmaline flies under the radar in the gem world and remains the best kept secret of gem collectors … appreciated it for hundreds of years. But, before the advent of modern gemology, most tourmaline was believed to be ruby, sapphire, or emerald. Gemology of Tourmaline Gemologically speaking, tourmaline is its own mineral and not a …

  8. The different parts of an engagement ring

    Anatomy of a Ring

    Knowing the different parts of a ring can help you make a better decision when choosing a new ring and it can help you know when your ring may need … ring has a shank. This is the technical term for the band of metal that encircles the finger. There would be no ring without the shank. If the ring has a distinct design feature on the top part, the ring shank is generally said to start … point that the design stops. A jeweler will usually add or remove metal from the bottom of the shank when sizing a ring. This can sometimes be done so well that you would never know it was sized looking at the shank with your naked eye. …

  9. Beautiful iolite jewelry and loose gemstones

    Gem in the Spotlight: Iolite

    … different colors when observed at different angles, especially with polarized light. Pleochroism is caused by differing absorption of light rays in doubly refractive crystals. Thus, no singly refractive gemstone can exhibit pleochroism. … than Emerald or Topaz. Because of this, some extra care should be taken with your iolite jewelry. Try to avoid wearing it in situations where it might be hit against hard objects to keep it free from cracks and small chips. Iolite is a …