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Gem in the Spotlight: Peridot
…gem of the sun”. It was believed that peridot could chase away evil spirits and dissolve curses but only when set in gold. Peridot is the birthstone for August. It is also the accepted anniversary gemstone for the 16th year of marriage. … Peridot could chase away evil spirits and break curses. Some legends added that this can only happen when it set in gold. Peridots were favored by pirates, considered powerful amulets against all evil, and when set in gold, were said to …
Gem in the Spotlight: Tanzanite
… faceted tanzanite in the world. The tiara also contains 913 diamonds and 803 tsavorite garnets all set in 18 karat white gold. It is owned by former Apple CEO Michael Scott who routinely loans it out for display at museums. Care and …showed the stones to. Manuel had originally thought he found sapphires, but after discovering they were too soft, he started searching for answers as to what these gems could have been. They went to MIT geologists who discovered the gems …
The Birthstones
January’s Birthstone: Garnet January babies born in the midst of cold, white (valley fog) and at times stark surroundings are rewarded with one of the most varying birth gemstones, Garnet. …gem of the sun”. It was believed that peridot could chase away evil spirits and dissolve curses but only when set in gold. Care should be taken to protect peridot from scratches, sharp blows, household chemicals and extreme temperature … November’s Birthstones: Topaz and Citrine Topaz symbolizes good fortune and longevity. According to legend, this golden stone possesses the power to cure many diseases. Citrine, a transparent yellow quartz gem many of the best of which …
Caring for and Cleaning Your Jewelry
… use chlorine or products that contains it. Don’t use a hard toothbrush because they tend to scratch the metals (gold, platinum, etc.). Abrasive cleaners and toothpaste or toothpowder will also scratch the metals. This will take away the …Hardness is related to the Mohs hardness scale. Diamond is the hardest at 10. Talc is listed as 1 the softest. Pure gold (24 karat) is Mohs 2.5, 14 and 18 karat list at Mohs 3. Platinum list at Mohs 4.33. Sterling silver list at Mohs 2.5…
Gem in the Spotlight: Jade
… is commonly found in a darker olive green color but can also be very light green, orangey-red, black, and yellowish green. Jadeite can come in many different colors including pink, purple (often called lavender jade), blue, black, white, and the most valuable/desirable color: a vibrant green. The finest of all green jadeite colors is a saturated emerald green that is almost transparent, and it is called “Imperial Jade.” Jade is one of the top selling gems in Asia, but …
Gem in the Spotlight: Pearl
…iridescent rainbow colors that shimmer on or just below a pearl’s surface). Pearls come in a range of colors, from white to black, with many shades in between. The most valuable pearls are those with a pure, even color, such as white, pink…, loosen, and discolor over time. We recommend that you have your strand checked once a year. If the silk thread is starting to wear out, it’s best to have them restrung before it breaks. Pearl Vocabulary There is a lot to know when you …
Learn Secret Diamond Buying Skills From a Professional Diamond Buyer
… grades, G-J are near colorless, K-M faint yellow on down the scale to more inner color. Colorless is also called white. The key to judging color is a master. Master sets cost a lot of money and only make sense for the diamond professional… determine the price. In the final analysis, the price of a diamond is whatever two people agree it is. The easiest starting place for diamond value is carat. All carat describes is how much a diamond weighs. Diamonds are small so the …
Brands and Designer Jewelry
… brand jewelry must keep its promise to the customer to deliver a superior product. This is a no compromise area. The jewelry must meet the most stringent of quality standards. Jewelry brands must use quality metals (like high-karat gold and platinum), first-rate gems, and highly skilled jewelers to meet their obligation. Status When a jewelry brand reaches a level of excellence in style and quality of workmanship it attains a level of status. Brands like Tiffany & …
How to Sell Your Jewelry
… sell your jewelry? No. But some homework and note taking can mean a much higher price paid for your jewelry. Let’s start with what determines the value of estate jewelry. Estate is a general term used to describe previously owned. That …are unsure of how to clean the jewelry or gem, let the professionals do it. Here are some cleaning tips. Never clean gold and gems in chlorine. Ammonia based cleaning products are used throughout the jewelry industry, but they can damage …