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Fine Jewelry University Articles matching: “Tension ring”
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Frequently Asked Question about Jewelry
… professionals must keep up with current advancements in the field. The pace of change in the gem industry is staggering. What is Moissanite? Moissanite is lab-created silicon carbide. It has become an excellent diamond imitation since it…. You can add gems or use less of the gems you already have. Many clients have used the main diamond of the old ring to be a side diamond in the new design. Others have made a few design changes, but it is basically the same look and feel…
How to Sell Jewelry on eBay and Other Websites
…much less because they buy them so cheap. Unfortunately, they may be your biggest competition when selling online. Don’t be discouraged if it does not sell the first time. The timing may not be right. I know of people who put the same ring up a dozen times before it sells. Patience is needed with online sales, but remember to add this into the price you want for the jewelry. Fraud should be next on your mind when try to sell your jewelry for cash online Be very wary of …
Gem in the Spotlight: Ruby
… believed to protect the wearer from injury and to keep them safe and healthy. Many cultures believed that wearing rubies in battle made warriors invincible and protected them from harm. Innumerable powers have been associated with the … is the most famous ruby, and was originally mined in Myanmar. The Sunrise Ruby was eventually set by Cartier into a ring along with two diamonds weighing a total of 5 carats. In 2015, Sotheby’s put the ring up for auction where it sold …
Synthetic Gems: The Whole Story
… rubies, sapphires and emeralds. These gems in high quality have put ownership beyond most people to justify the price. Just a one carat gem could cost $3,000 and more. Most of the time people don’t wear them as an engagement ring where people can spend over $10,000 routinely. The answer was to find a less expensive way to have these gems. It took over a hundred years and millions of dollars of research to create what nature can produce. Man made gems come in many forms…
Jewelry Solder: What You Should Know
Solder is the unseen “glue” that holds most jewelry together. If you have ever had a ring sized, a chain repaired, or your wedding set joined together, you have very likely seen solder in action. But, what … will focus our discussion on gold jewelry, but the same concepts also apply to silver and platinum as well. If your ring is made out of 14 karat gold, you know that approximately 56% of it is gold with the rest being made up by a variety… solder? With solder a different set of alloy metals are used than with regular karat gold with the purpose of lowering the melting point of the finished metal. These metals–usually zinc, cadmium, tin or indium–all have low melting points…
Gem in the Spotlight: Morganite
…. Compared with many other gemstones, Morganite is a relatively new addition with its first recorded discovery occurring in California in the early 1900s. This means you won’t find any tales of ancient kings wearing Morganite on their … believe it to be a powerful stone which facilitates the flow of energy throughout the body due to its ability to bring pure love to the wearer. Morganite is also believed to balance emotions and bring harmonizing fulfillment as it …
The Difference Between White Gold and Platinum
… its karat. The key to understanding gold karat is the karat value over 24. An example is a 14-karat gold wedding ring. It is 14/24, which equals 58.3% gold and 41.7% alloy. The white color is achieved by a careful choice of the alloying … because if you don’t like the light yellow look of a specific manufacture, then don’t buy it. New white gold rings are usually coated with a hard protective finish of rhodium, a silver-white metal like platinum. The rhodium plating is …
Gem in the Spotlight: Pearl
… changed hands many times, and was owned by several famous figures, including Napoleon III and Elizabeth Taylor. During Taylor’s ownership, the pearl was set into a necklace designed by Cartier, which also included diamonds and rubies. … once part of a larger piece of jewelry that also included the Hope Diamond, and that the two gems were separated during the French Revolution. Today, the Hope Pearl is owned by a private collector and is occasionally displayed at museums…
Gem in the Spotlight: Sapphire
… sacred and was worn by priests to show their connection to the sky and heaven. Sapphires were set in the Bishop’s ring as a symbol of unity between the priest, the sky and heaven. Sapphire has been associated with divine favor. The … Anglo-Saxons from 1042-1066, met a beggar one day. King Edward had nothing of value on him except for his sapphire ring, which he generously gave to the beggar. The beggar was really a messenger from God, who later returned the ring to …