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Fine Jewelry University Articles matching: “Tension ring”
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Alternative Metals for Men’s Jewelry
…Titanium is very light weight which is its hallmark feature and one of the reasons it is used so heavily in manufacturing. It resists scratching well, and it is both hypoallergenic and biocompatible. Titanium is stronger than steel yet … 5 (also called aircraft grade) being the most commonly used due to its incredible strength and workability. Our rings at Arden Jewelers are made from aircraft grade 5 titanium. Titanium is a chemical element with the symbol Ti and atomic…
Frequently Asked Question about Jewelry
… professionals must keep up with current advancements in the field. The pace of change in the gem industry is staggering. What is Moissanite? Moissanite is lab-created silicon carbide. It has become an excellent diamond imitation since it…. You can add gems or use less of the gems you already have. Many clients have used the main diamond of the old ring to be a side diamond in the new design. Others have made a few design changes, but it is basically the same look and feel…
How to Sell Jewelry on eBay and Other Websites
…much less because they buy them so cheap. Unfortunately, they may be your biggest competition when selling online. Don’t be discouraged if it does not sell the first time. The timing may not be right. I know of people who put the same ring up a dozen times before it sells. Patience is needed with online sales, but remember to add this into the price you want for the jewelry. Fraud should be next on your mind when try to sell your jewelry for cash online Be very wary of …
Gem in the Spotlight: Ruby
… believed to protect the wearer from injury and to keep them safe and healthy. Many cultures believed that wearing rubies in battle made warriors invincible and protected them from harm. Innumerable powers have been associated with the … is the most famous ruby, and was originally mined in Myanmar. The Sunrise Ruby was eventually set by Cartier into a ring along with two diamonds weighing a total of 5 carats. In 2015, Sotheby’s put the ring up for auction where it sold …
The Magic of Polarized Light
… is because the center retains more heat. As it cools and contracts, the surface of the stone is put under a lot of tension from the internal forces pulling in on it. The strain distorts the polarized light showing anomalous double … with singly refractive (SR) gems like diamond that only bend light in one direction. Gemologists use the term birefringence to refer to how doubly refractive a particular gem is. By far the most common use of polarized light in gemology …
What to Do When Your Ring Irritates Your Skin
Nothing is more frustrating than being unable to wear your engagement ring or other jewelry because it irritates your skin. Don’t worry. There are many options you have when faced with this …but their root causes and solutions are very different. Physical Irritation This can be caused by the design of the ring, a rough area that is the result of normal wear and tear, or a ring that is not sized correctly. If the ring is too … irritation and the solution may simply be to size the ring up slightly. Likewise, if there is a rough spot on the ring, that can normally be smoothed out by a jeweler. Changes in diet can dramatically affect our finger sizes. So, if the …
Is a Lab Grown Diamond Right for Me?
Picking a diamond for your engagement ring is a big decision. For most of us, buying a diamond is a significant financial undertaking, and we want to get it … are conflict free, and you can buy verifiable Canadian diamonds of known origin if you want), it is still reassuring to know that with lab grown diamonds, you can be totally confident that your diamond did not support wars or child labor… economy of the host country. Often times, these countries are impoverished, and the jobs and income that the mine brings can help elevate many people out of poverty. Lab grown diamonds are not one-of-a-kind in the same way that natural …