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Fine Jewelry University Articles matching: “Tension set”
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Gem in the Spotlight: Morganite
… should be. It is pastel or pale in color by nature and known for its transparent peach-pink hue though it also occurs as soft pink, violet-pink, or pale salmon. It is the subtle, understated nature of Morganite’s color that sets it apart from many of the more popular gemstones. Morganite has an impressive family tree. It is a beryl gem which puts it in the same family as emerald and aquamarine. Because of its association with emerald it is sometimes called “Pink …
Gem in the Spotlight: Ruby
… with the ruby throughout time. It was thought that the ruby could preserve health, remove evil thoughts, and settle disagreements. Rubies are also believed to aide physical and spiritual regeneration, enhance circulation, vitalize blood… cut is unrivaled. It is the most famous ruby, and was originally mined in Myanmar. The Sunrise Ruby was eventually set by Cartier into a ring along with two diamonds weighing a total of 5 carats. In 2015, Sotheby’s put the ring up for …
Alternative Metals for Men’s Jewelry
… you can exchange your ring for a different size). Carbon fiber wedding bands display high style and strength setting the wearer apart from the crowd. Ceramic (Titanium Carbide) Ceramic jewelry, like many of the “alternative metals” is …which fades overtime. Zirconium is currently the only permanently black jewelry that is workable enough to allow the setting of diamond or other gems. Ceramic is another permanently black option (it can even be made a more pure black …
… and white luster, have made platinum an increasingly popular choice for jewelry, either on its own or as the setting for diamonds and other precious gemstones. Platinum jewelry does not fade or tarnish and keeps its looks for a lifetime… individuals. Platinum is one of the strongest and most enduring metals. Some of the world’s greatest treasures are set in platinum, such as the Hope Diamond. It is also one of the heaviest, weighing 60% more than gold. The word platinum…
Learn Secret Diamond Buying Skills From a Professional Diamond Buyer
… are extremely exciting. The four C’s of carat, cut, color and clarity determine a common comparison. They don’t set the price, just the basis to determine the price. In the final analysis, the price of a diamond is whatever two people … on down the scale to more inner color. Colorless is also called white. The key to judging color is a master. Master sets cost a lot of money and only make sense for the diamond professional to own. The secret for the diamond buyer is …
The Magic of Polarized Light
… is because the center retains more heat. As it cools and contracts, the surface of the stone is put under a lot of tension from the internal forces pulling in on it. The strain distorts the polarized light showing anomalous double … the polariscope. Polariscopes have two polarizing filters placed over a light source with a gap in between them to set a gemstone. When the filters are turned 90° from each other to their crossed position the light source is blocked, …