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Gem in the Spotlight: Garnet
……Garnet. Garnet’s pizzazz energizes the gloomiest day. Garnet varieties brighten the world in colors of yellow to gold, bright orange to true orange, brown to cinnamon, pinks to greens, and of course many shades of red. Garnets are …, the glowing red gemstone we now know as garnet. Early scientists named garnet from the Latin granatus, which means ‘seedlike’ because garnet crystals in rock reminded them of the shape and color of pomegranate seeds. Garnet is really a …
Frequently Asked Question about Jewelry
… jewelry in general. If you have a question you’d like answered, please contact us and we would be happy to help. What is a Gemologist? A gemologist is one who studies gems and jewelry scientifically, who knows and identifies them, can … must keep up with current advancements in the field. The pace of change in the gem industry is staggering. What is Moissanite? Moissanite is lab-created silicon carbide. It has become an excellent diamond imitation since it gives a …
Art Deco vs. Art Nouveau Style Jewelry
… influence everywhere. They are also important guide posts that can aid in dating vintage and antique jewelry. So, what are these two movements all about, and where did they come from? Origins and Historical Context Originating in the …and the human form. Art Nouveau, also referred to as Jugendstil and Stile Liberty among many other monikers, simply means “New Art” and it impacted almost every artistic medium. Jewelry makers embraced materials such as enamel, horn, and …
How to Sell Jewelry on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace
… Jewelers for a free value appraisal of your jewelry. If you like our offer, you can get cash on the spot for your gold and jewelry. Our gemologist buyers are friendly and professional, and our 20+ year track record in Sacramento means …Selling jewelry on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and other online local classified sites is a great way to get cash for your …some things that you should consider before you take the plunge. Safeguards are critical when selling jewelry in person First NEVER, NEVER, and NEVER meet an unknown buyer at your house. Personal safety and protection against robbery …
How to Sell Jewelry on eBay and Other Websites
… in case the shipper damages it or the buyer says it was like this when they got it. If it is damaged, ask the buyer what shape the box was in when they got it. Keep all of your shipping and insurance receipts in case the piece is damaged… return it with a different gem (they could switch the diamond with a lower grade or even a CZ and claim that is what they got). If you use eBay, you have to be found, do the research on the best category and keywords for your item. …
Laser Jewelry Repair
… back into their life. Jewelry is a very personal item in our lives sometimes monetary worth has nothing to do with what gives it value. Now some basics, what is a laser? LASER is an acronym for “Light Amplification by the Stimulated … a sharp, focused light beam. The benefit of the laser is that very little heat is generated at the weld point. This means the heat will not damage the surrounding area. The jewelry’s intricate design and gems which are heat sensitive are…
Diamond Buying Guide: The 4 C’s
…, you can adjust the quality of the diamond to fit. Unless you work in the jewelry trade, it can be hard to know what size you want. The photo above shows some common diamond carat weights and how they look in comparison to each other. … looking for the absence of color or transparency (except fancy color). The color grading scale starts with D meaning totally colorless and moves down the alphabet subtly increasing in body color. As you can see from the picture, the …
Types of Necklace Chains
…. You can wear one everyday and not think twice about it, or it can be your most treasured piece of jewelry. But, what kind of chain is best for you? In this article we’ll introduce you to the staggering variety of necklace (and bracelet… use of metal. So, you can have a big chain look without a big chain price. This is a very nice feature to have when gold prices are high. The only downside is that this style isn’t quite as strong as a traditional cable chain of the same…
Types of Jewelry Clasps
… by ancient Egyptians and is the oldest known clasp style. This type of clasp was often made from softer metals like gold or copper and used to fasten necklaces and bracelets. The hook-and-eye clasp was also used by the Greeks and Romans … to be adjusted. If the tongue is made out of silver this can happen quite quickly. Serviceability – If a box clasp does break, it can be difficult to find replacement parts that are the right size. There are just so many styles/sizes and…