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Showing all results for: “crystal”


  1. cabachon emerald and diamond bracelet front view

    Cabochon Emerald and Diamond Bangle Bracelet

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Blog Posts

  1. The Truth About Synthetic Gems

    … trained and equipped gemologist to detect. But if you had gem material that is the same chemically, optically and crystal structure as a natural gem, it would be very hard to tell them apart. In gemology we call this a synthetic gem. So a …

  2. Price of gold chart for March of 2023

    Gold Nears Historic High, Is Now the Time to Sell?

    …realizing more on your trade in. Plus, we can often times given even more in store credit than we can in cash for old jewelry, making the value to you even greater. So, is now the time to sell your unwanted jewelry? Well, no one has a crystal ball, but one thing is certain. If you sell or trade in your jewelry with us, you will be treated with honesty and respect, and you will get a fantastic value no mater what the market is doing. Contact us today to for a free …

  3. Fancy red diamond

    Fancy Color Diamonds

    …diamonds maintain their diamond-like brilliance. Green Most other diamond colors happen when another element is add to the pure carbon of diamonds, but with green diamonds the color is the result of a change in the construction of the crystal lattice of the carbon atoms. This mean most green diamond are a clean, pure green and not a mix of other colors. Blue Blue color diamonds are one of the most common. This is because they are mostly treated. The process to treat a …

  4. Lacey Jhon and Alex Jewelry Designers in Black and White

    Meet the Jewelers: Sacramento Indie Jewelry Designers

    … and sports photography. In her free time, she enjoys creating digital and traditional illustrations. Artist’s Statement: My current collection is called “Birdwatch” and focuses on various whimsical and detailed birds perched on raw crystals, stones, and wood, showcasing polished and intricate metalwork carefully balanced with rougher foundations, just as we see with real birds, who are masters of balance and adaption. I prefer to make use recycled scrap metals which I …

Fine Jewelry University (Show All FJU Articles)

  1. Unique inclusion in a lab grown diamond

    What Are Lab Grown Diamonds?

    … the gemological world, synthetic is a highly technical term. When speaking technically, synthetic gems are man-made crystals with the same crystal structure and chemical composition as the specific gem that is being created. Therefore, a “…, it helps to understand a little bit about how lab grown diamonds are made. There are two techniques to grow single crystal diamonds. The first and oldest is the High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) technique. This process starts with a …

  2. A computer rendering of a fake diamond

    Fake Diamonds: The Great Diamond Attack

    …. Synthetic is one of those words. Synthetic, in the gem world, means made of the same chemicals (elements) and crystal design as nature but is man made. So, a synthetic diamond is the same chemistry (carbon element) and crystal structure (… and have for many years now. Most are used in the manufacturing of tools like diamond tip drills. Synthetic diamond crystal big and pretty enough for jewelry has been made since the 1950’s. But, it just costs too much to justify using them…

  3. Synthetic Gems: The Whole Story

    … trained and equipped gemologist to detect. But if you had gem material that is the same chemically, optically and crystal structure as a natural gem, it would be very hard to tell them apart. In gemology we call this a synthetic gem. … bad, fakes, or the curse of a modern society. So a man made synthetic ruby has the same exact chemical formula and crystal structure and optical characteristics as a natural ruby. How can a person tell them apart? I will tell you it is very…

  4. Collection of loose and mounted quartz gems of various types

    Gem in the Spotlight: Quartz

    … with surprising variety. The most important reason for this variety is that quartz comes in 3 main forms: macrocrystalline, microcrystalline and cryptocrystalline. Within each of these broad categories, the different colors of the gemstone … gems. Quartz seems to have more than its fair share of misnomers. One famous one is “Alaska Diamond” for rock crystal alongside “Herkimer Diamonds” (see below). In recent times, the term “Green Amethyst,” which was commonly used for …

  5. Old mine cut diamond example

    The History of Diamond Cuts

    … shape. So, the Romans wore uncut diamonds. One of diamond’s remarkable attributes is that the natural diamond crystal is beautiful without any human modification. Diamonds normally form in the octahedral shape which looks like two pyramids … center facet of a diamond. The creative name for this shape is the Table Cut. By adding more facets to the diamond crystal the single cut diamond was born. The Single Cut diamond is one of the earliest and most basic of cuts. It has an …

  6. Group of loose emerald gemstones

    Gem in the Spotlight: Emerald

    … their rich green color. The intensity of an emerald’s hue depends on the presence of chromium and vanadium in the crystal structure. Emerald’s Mohs hardness rating is 7.5-8 making it softer than sapphire and harder than amethyst and other …garden) because they look like moss or a garden inside of the stone. These inclusions are tiny fissures, bubbles, or crystals that are visible to the naked eye. These inclusions are not necessarily considered flaws but rather add character …

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