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Fine Jewelry University Articles matching: “free estate jewelry appraisals in chicago suburbs”

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  1. Evaluating inherited estate jewelry can be tricky

    How to Value Inherited Jewelry

    … that an insurance company expects to see. If you’re interested, you can read more about the different types of appraisals . The replacement value insurance appraisal has the least correlation to the actual market value of the jewelry item. So…When a loved one passes away, among all of the other challenges and difficulties, there comes the need to divide the jewelry portion of the estate. Arriving at a fair and equitable division can be tricky, but this article should help guide …

  2. A globe icon with the beginning of a web address

    How to Sell Jewelry on eBay and Other Websites

    … it takes to sell, shipping and supplies, insurance, the fees for credit card processing, other fees for things like appraisals, etc.). Two types of people shop online. First, there are the ones who are looking for something unique and are …Safeguards and presentation are critical when selling jewelry online Take a few great photos of your jewelry from different angles. Think about how you want to present your …or light beautiful statement, or a story? You must have a way for them to buy and return without losing the money or jewelry. An escrow account is usually a good option or you can get paid first. Take a photo before you ship in case the …

  3. Purple peace sign

    How to Sell Jewelry on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace

    Selling jewelry on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and other online local classified sites is a great way to get cash for your …but there are some things that you should consider before you take the plunge. Safeguards are critical when selling jewelry in person First NEVER, NEVER, and NEVER meet an unknown buyer at your house. Personal safety and protection against … or shopping mall. If you don’t have a way to meet the potential buyer at a public place, then do not sell your jewelry through the Craigslist or Marketplace. The buyer’s bank is a good public location because if they wish to buy the jewelry

  4. Get more cash for your gold and jewelry from Arden Jewelers

    How to Sell Your Jewelry

    In a hurry? Visit us today to get a free value appraisal of your jewelry. Or, learn how KCRA 3 got more for their jewelry when they came to us. Which is more fun, getting a root canal, … jewelry? Not much of a choice, but following is some knowledge that can take the frustration out of selling your jewelry. And answer the hard questions like: Will I receive a fair price for my jewelry? Or did I pay too much? The two … estate jewelry and the options to liquidating it. Does this mean you have to become a gemologist just to sell your jewelry? No. But some homework and note taking can mean a much higher price paid for your jewelry. Let’s start with what …

  5. Strand of pearls

    How to Clean Pearl Jewelry

    …, but it will not attract dirt or grime as quickly and it will not stretch. Pearls should never be stored with other jewelry. They should be stored in a moisture-free environment and should not be stored in a plastic bag. Pearls should … become caught around the knots should be removed with a toothpick very carefully. Pearls should be dried on a lint-free towel, laying them on an absorbent towel should hasten the drying process. If the pearls are worn frequently, they …

  6. Caring for and Cleaning Your Jewelry

    How to Clean Jewelry A diamond’s spectacular beauty is due to its light show. Diamonds make light reflect, show its many colors, and … stops the light show. Dust and dirt stick to the grease and oils creating a lifeless diamond. Cleaning your diamond jewelry at home is simple and rewarding. Use a soft toothbrush and mild soap then rinse thoroughly with warm water. The key … bounce upward. The diamond may need to be scrubbed several times before all the build up is removed. Some don’ts of jewelry cleaning. Never use chlorine or products that contains it. Don’t use a hard toothbrush because they tend to scratch …

  7. Frequently Asked Question about Jewelry

    … consideration. Obviously, the Dollar Value can easily change considerably over a relatively short period of time. Appraisals are most often used for insurance purposes. What’s new with diamonds? Technology is changing the very nature of …Here we answer some of your questions about jewelry in general. If you have a question you’d like answered, please contact us and we would be happy to help. What is a … does not chip or is not otherwise altered. An appraisal can be performed on a loose Diamond, a mounted stone, or jewelry. If the stone is not loose, the physical properties are estimated using various estimation techniques. Most importantly…

  8. Brands and Designer Jewelry

    Status, style, and quality are the three attributes that luxury jewelry brands are known for. Jewelry brands or designers have a high standard to live up to or they are abandoned. There is… and last for years, but if it goes out of fashion, people won’t generally want to wear it. It is important that a jewelry brand changes to avoid becoming dated. Some jewelry designers can adapt, others cannot. When a designer brand cannot …. What makes a top jewelry designer is staying in style from year to year and decade to decade. Quality Luxury brand jewelry must keep its promise to the customer to deliver a superior product. This is a no compromise area. The jewelry must …

  9. Lasers are now used for jewelry repair

    Laser Jewelry Repair

    …take over the world with a “laser”. One of the last things you think a laser can do is to work on your intricate jewelry. Well, laser technology is making it possible to work on jewelry that once was impossible to fix or too costly to fix. …antique enameled pin without damaging the enamel or leaving visible signs of the restoration work. Our laser can fix jewelry without removing the stones or running the risk of solder flowing into the hinge and destroying its mobility. …