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Jewelry, Family, and What Really Matters
One Saturday, a client came in to sell her jewelry. Things were going along normally with the evaluation of the jewelry. It was a larger than normal sale, and she had … to sell. When filling out the paper work, she explained to her daughter (age 12-ish) that she was selling her jewelry so she could pay her next medical bill. This was the third treatment, and she felt it was not going to work. She did not … burden on her family. She was explaining to her daughter that a woman always thinks of her family first. The jewelry is just stuff to enjoy then use to help when the family is in need. She was speaking with the dignity and wisdom that you …
Why Would a Gemologist Pay Less for Your Jewelry?
Generally, a professional gemologist jewelry buyer will pay more for jewelry because they understand the real value and can be more confident in offering a … Edged Sword First, a gemologist may pay less because they understand the true value of the item. We see lots of jewelry with poor quality gems. Other buyers may not identify the gems as low quality and pay more than the market value for … gemologist but a charismatic salesman willing to say anything to make the sale. Getting the most money for your jewelry is the goal. Simply put there are jewelry buyers in the market place that do not fully understand what makes jewelry …
How to Organize Your Jewelry
The key to organizing your jewelry is to stop thinking about organizing and start thinking about displaying. Think of your jewelry collection as your … you get ready for the day, go shopping in your store for the prefect accessories to match your look. If all of your jewelry is piled in a drawer, it will be easy to forget about, and you’ll wind up wearing your favorite pieces less often. … all those great pieces in your collection Necklaces Necklaces can be one of the most difficult fun pieces of jewelry to organize effectively. If you’re like most, you will have necklaces of considerably different lengths in your collection…
Jewelry Style Basics
Jewelry basics are like DNA. They are the building blocks but they create a great diversity of looks. Diamonds gemstones, …, pins and even earring should be displayed differently to produce your style. What is your style? Having the right jewelry can go a long way in helping you project an image of confidence and individual flair. Developing your own style means… of thumb is to always have the best-quality basics you can afford, so you can add matching pieces later. In gold jewelry, such basics should include a gold chain necklace, classic hoop and a link bracelet. Additions could include slide-on …
Ancient Roman Jewelry Discovered
Archeologists have discovered one of the finest collections of Roman jewelry ever found in Britain. Dubbed the Fenwick Treasure, the fine gold and silver jewelry was found under a department … that a large army was marching towards her town and that they were practically defenseless. Hoping to preserve her jewelry in the slim hope that she could somehow escape or survive the onslaught to later reclaim it, she buried it under the … place in history. They also bring a sense of connection. We know very little about the woman who used to own this jewelry almost 2,000 years ago. But, which one of us would not have had the same thoughts and taken the same precautions to …
Jewelry for Cheapskates
Let’s be honest. When we think of jewelry, we think: “Expensive.” We’ve all heard the old adage: “You get what you pay for,” and in some cases that can be true… you shop at a value oriented store like Arden Jewelers, you should get a little more than you pay for. But, quality jewelry isn’t cheap, and the high prices of gold, diamonds, and platinum don’t help either. There are, however, some special… cases where, if you know what you’re doing, you can save a little money and still wind up with a great piece of jewelry. We’ll show you how. Diamond Stud Earrings Here is a classic way to save on a nice jewelry gift. You can get away with a…
Sell Jewelry Through the Mail
Today we are announcing our remote jewelry buying program! Just because our doors our closed doesn’t mean we can’t keep giving you the best price for your …your jewelry is worth? It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3: Send us a text (916-481-8006) or email with a couple pictures of the jewelry you want to sell and any details you know about it. We’ll let you know if it’s something that we can buy. Mail us … thumbprint (we can send you an ink pad if needed), and we’ll send you the money via check, PayPal, or Venmo. Our jewelry buying process is different than what you see from many cash-for-gold buyers. Our gemologist buyers are able to …
Manly Jewelry for Men
Men don’t always get the attention they deserve from the jewelry industry. But, in the last few years we have seen an explosion of new options for men. At Arden Jewelers we have a … Metals You may see some materials here that you don’t recognize. Titanium and Tungsten have become well known as jewelry metals, but we also offer bands in some more unique materials like Zirconium, Cobalt, Carbon Fiber, etc. If you are … metal wedding band, this article can definitely help you decide which option is right for you. Men’s Nugget Jewelry There’s something distinctly masculine about wearing a raw chunk of metal that’s been dug up from the ground and welded to …
Jewelry Industry Gathers in Las Vegas
This weekend, over 20,000 of the world’s top jewelry companies are gathering in Las Vegas for the JCK jewelry show. Jewelry retailers explore the latest trends and … specialist, is attending the JCK show this year to talk with other jewelers and to bring back some exciting new jewelry. The show has an incredible variety of jewelry to offer from $100,000+ sapphires to elegant new engagement ring designs…hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons, Miss France Valerie Begue, and “American Gladiators” star Mike O’Hearn. Also, one the industry’s preeminent diamond experts, Martin Rapaport will deliver his “State of the Diamond Industry” address. Angelo…