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Fine Jewelry University Articles matching: “free estate jewelry appraisals in chicago suburbs”
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Diamond Buying Guide: The 4 C’s
…you know the carat weight and your budget, you can adjust the quality of the diamond to fit. Unless you work in the jewelry trade, it can be hard to know what size you want. The photo above shows some common diamond carat weights and how … one for you. At Arden Jewelers, our gemologists are more than happy to answer any questions you have so please feel free to visit us anytime. Carat Weight Diamonds are small, so the scale that is used to describe diamond weights uses …
Understanding the Diamond Buying Game
… and equipment to find the best diamond value for you or your friends. If you have any questions please feel free to ask at any timeHow would you feel if your favorite soft drink tasted different in every can you drank? You expect a coke to taste like coke everywhere. In business, this is …. The soda is the same and you can shop based on price or convenience; the product is the same. People like shopping this way. I like it this way. Diamonds are not this way. The four C’s of diamonds are not that old, less than 100 years…
How to Tell If a Diamond Is Natural or Lab Grown
… realize is that most lab grown diamonds are clearly and responsibly disclosed to be synthetic. The big scare in the jewelry industry is non-disclosed lab grown diamonds that are sold as natural diamonds. But, it is important to know that … we have recently added to our own gem lab. This incredible machine is used by some of the world’s top gem labs and jewelry manufacturers daily, and it has already helped us catch undisclosed lab grown diamonds. It does not suffer from many …
Gem in the Spotlight: Pearl
… is its connection to the famous Hope Diamond. It is believed that the Hope Pearl was once part of a larger piece of jewelry that also included the Hope Diamond, and that the two gems were separated during the French Revolution. Today, the …. Their unique nacre gives them a stunning, almost glowing appearance that is highly prized by pearl collectors and jewelry designers. Mabe Pearls: Also known as a blister pearl, mabe pearls are grown against the inside shell of a mollusk, …
Gem in the Spotlight: Emerald
… day and it was later sold at Christies in 2011 for $6.6 million, setting the record for the most expensive emerald jewelry ever sold at auction. The Chalk Emerald is a famous 37.8 carat emerald known for its clarity and rich green color. It…can be susceptible to damage from heat, chemicals, and extreme temperature changes. It is essential to store emerald jewelry away from direct sunlight and avoid exposing them to household chemicals such as bleach and cleaning agents. …
Anatomy of a Ring
… know when your ring may need maintenance. It’s also a fun way to impress your friends with your vast knowledge of jewelry terms. Shank Every ring has a shank. This is the technical term for the band of metal that encircles the finger. There… a part that we missed. If you are looking for the perfect ring, browse our online shop or contact us and one of our jewelry experts would be happy to help you find a ring that’s more than the sum of its …shank. If the ring has a distinct design feature on the top part, the ring shank is generally said to start at the point that the design stops. A jeweler will usually add or remove metal from the bottom of the shank when sizing a ring. …
Gem in the Spotlight: Amethyst
Amethyst is known for its beautiful purple color, and it is the most important quartz variety used in jewelry. Purple has long been considered a royal color, so it is not surprising that amethyst has been in so much demand … purple, resulting in the creation of the gemstone known as amethyst. Amethyst has a long history of being used in jewelry and other decorative items. It was highly prized by ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, who believed that … a fairly recent discovery as many low cost, high quality, deeply colored amethysts are now appearing in inexpensive jewelry. Because the cost of testing is higher than the cost of even the natural stones it is not often performed. Beware of…
Gem in the Spotlight: Spinel
…. Gemology of Spinel With a Moh’s hardness of 8 and good toughness spinel is a great choice for all forms of jewelry. We recommend occasional wear for rings and bracelets, but earrings and pendants are suitable for daily wear. Spinel can …along. Stories like this have been occurring regularly for the last century, whether it is with an heirloom piece of jewelry or something found at the beach, what many people have believed to be a ruby for years turned out to be spinel. …
Learn Secret Diamond Buying Skills From a Professional Diamond Buyer
…. There is one more “C” if you are looking to buy a previously owned diamond. Condition is critical to value in estate diamonds. A chipped diamond loses a lot of value. You must look very carefully for chips. Chips may be under a prong. It …One of the most valuable memories in life is the look of your love when she sees that shining diamond ring on her finger for the first time. If there are…who receive one the center of their universe. A diamond’s beauty energizes the whole person with a light show unique in the gem world. Diamonds are unique, just like the love it expresses, but unlike love we must put a value on a …