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New Indie Designer: Jen Lesea Designs
We are very excited to announce the addition of a brand new line of designer jewelry at Arden Jewelers. Jen Lesea is an exciting indie jewelry designer with a flair for capturing nature in a tangible … her designs apart from the crowd and instantly grabs your attention. At Arden Jewelers, we believe in independent jewelry designers and the fresh creativity that they bring to the jewelry world. As a small, family run, independent jeweler … Jen Lesea. By featuring their pieces in our store, we are able to give them just a bit more exposure, and you as a jewelry lover get the benefit of experiencing their new ideas and energy. As a girl, Jen was fascinated by collecting rocks …
…And, We’re Back
…online and contactless payment methods ready and available. We can’t wait to see you all and start helping with your jewelry needs again. Some reasons to stop by: Sell your jewelry for extra cash . Gold has soared over the past months, and …your pocket never hurts. Now is a great time to sell, and our professional buyers are still paying the most for your jewelry. Jewelry repair . Our in-house jewelry repair team is back and ready for work, so bring in any ring sizings, diamond…
These Are Strange Times
…,000 per ounce, at the time of this writing. This is a golden opportunity for any one wishing to trade into platinum jewelry. Arden Jewelers can makeover your jewelry into platinum at the best value compared to gold ever. I don’t know how … or hers, now is the time to take advantage of these strange times. We can also take your used or broken gold or platinum as trade and you may be no cash out of pocket. Stop by Arden Jewelers and let’s see what we can
Debt, Gold, and You – A Financial Perspective
… can lower their debt and increase their quality of life, but just don’t know they have them. Assets like broken jewelry can represent thousands of dollars just sitting unused. Items like dental gold, old class rings, gold nuggets, and … jewelry that you will never wear can be liquidated for cash to lower your debt. Selling your unused or broken jewelry to pay down debt can have great finical rewards. Lowering your credit card balance can save interest as well as opening up…
Pearl Takeover Event Going on Now
From now until June 18th all pearl jewelry in our showroom is on sale for 50% off. But, this isn’t just a sale on the pearls that we normally have in-stock. … have literally taken over our showroom! Right now we have four showcases filled to the brim with nothing but pearl jewelry all priced to move. Hundreds of pieces are available now including: Pearl strands of almost any length Fun, dyed … waiting for? This event is in-store only, so visit us today to get a fantastic deal on a great new piece of pearl jewelry
News 10 Gold Investment Story at Arden Jewelers
… fluctuation we are seeing. If you want to catch the market at its height, or if you’re just curious how much your jewelry is worth at these never-before-seen gold prices, stop by Arden Jewelers . Our professional jewelry buyers will examine…A few days ago, with the debt ceiling deadline looming and gold reaching record highs, a news crew from KXTV channel 10 paid us a visit to get an inside …, etc.) as an investment opportunity. Check out the story right here, or you can watch it on the News 10 website . Since that story aired, gold has shattered it’s previous record highs and reached over $1,780 per ounce! The current gold…
Big Savings on Small Business Saturday
… pulling out all the stops. Visit us on Saturday, November 25th to show support for your local, family owned, small jewelry store, and you’ll get: 50% off all jewelry repair including ring sizing, cleaning and refurbishing, chain repair, … wide 25% off sale, these pieces have been marked down even more. This includes: rose gold and morganite , pearl jewelry, select opal pieces, the Rare and Beautiful collection , and a whole lot more. The same, quality service and value that …
Heart and Soul, Valentine’s Day Gift Sale
… our brand new collection of Valentine’s Day gift ideas. This year we are featuring a dazzling array of heart themed jewelry including necklaces, earrings, and rings. If you are looking for that classic Valentine’s Day gift, you can’t miss … is available in-store only and on sale 40% off from now until February 14th. You can also find fantastic deals on jewelry gift staples starting around $50 in-store including: Diamond stud earrings Birthstone jewelry Stacking diamond and …
Now You Can Text Your Jeweler, OMG!
… enabled texting on our main phone number (916-481-8006). Now you can: Send us a picture of a damaged piece of jewelry to see if we can fix it Ask us a quick jewelry question Just say “Hi” Send us a link or a picture of a piece of jewelry …? If you have a quick question for a friend, you don’t send them an email and get back an automated response saying they have received your message and will respond within 24-48 business hours. You don’t call them and wait on hold to …