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News 10 Gold Investment Story at Arden Jewelers
…, with the debt ceiling deadline looming and gold reaching record highs, a news crew from KXTV channel 10 paid us a visit to get an inside look at precious metals (gold, silver, etc.) as an investment opportunity. Check out the story … aired, gold has shattered it’s previous record highs and reached over $1,780 per ounce! The current gold market is very volatile, showing large changes in price throughout the course of a single day. Take a look at today’s gold chart …
Gold Nears Historic High, Is Now the Time to Sell?
Update (3/20/2024): Since this article was originally published, gold has broken through the old record and is currently trading around $2,160.00 …free value appraisal. Gold has been trading at over $2,000 per troy ounce in recent days and many of us are taking this opportunity to cash out of jewelry that we no longer love. Of course, we pay for the whole piece and not just the …worth. Some things we buy: Chains, bracelets, necklaces Broken jewelry made out of gold, silver, or platinum Single/mismatched earrings Engagement rings and wedding bands …much more On the flip side, the high price of gold can also be…
The Time to Sell Your Gold Is Now
I’ve said it before, but it’s still true today. Gold prices are high, and now is a great time to get some extra cash out of that old jewelry that just sits in the drawer collecting dust. I’m sure … the commercials on TV about all of the new company’s springing up that suddenly buy gold. If you feel uncomfortable sending your valuable jewelry away to some company you’ve never heard of before (and I can’t say I blame you), come on… and we’ll examine your jewelry while you wait so it never leaves your sight. We have been in the jewelry buying business for over 20 years, and we always treat you with respect and dignity. Arden Jewelers‘ Contact Information
Cash for Gold vs. Cash for Jewelry
… are you don’t have solid gold bricks laying around that you want to convert to cash. You have jewelry for sale. Is there a difference between “Cash for Gold” and “Cash for Jewelry?” Don’t the Cash for Gold companies factor in the … of the more famous Cash for Gold company said they pay from 20% of the gold value . That means, if the gold value is $100 they will offer $20, often times regardless of the value of the gemstones. That, in a nut shell, is how Cash for …
Debt, Gold, and You – A Financial Perspective
… becomes. Your debt eats at your assets and peace of mind. One of the main emotional effects of personal debt is stress, and stress can cause a long list of physical and emotional issues. There are many different kinds of debt that can … for use if needed. Paying off a car loan or student loan can remove a whole bill each month. Getting rid of debt is good thing. Arden Jewelers can help by paying you’re the highest amount for your valuable jewelry. Selling your used or…
Jewelry Appraisals Over 3 Years Old May be Greatly Undervalued
…. Platinum in the same year had a low of $1,168 per ounce to $2,169 and souring higher. The five year low and high is even greater. Gold’s low was $322 and now is over $978 and Platinum’s low was $602 and has climbed over $2,169. If the…’s value was due in large part to gold or platinum, then the item might not be able to be replaced for the appraised value! Diamond values have also gone up in the same time period. In addition many gemstones have risen dramatically in …
These Are Strange Times
Platinum at its high was $2,252 now is under $1,000 per ounce, at the time of this writing. This is a golden opportunity for any one wishing to trade into … Jewelers can makeover your jewelry into platinum at the best value compared to gold ever. I don’t know how long this will last, but if platinum was ever a dream of yours or hers, now is the time to take advantage of these strange times… also take your used or broken gold or platinum as trade and you may be no cash out of pocket. Stop by Arden Jewelers and let’s see what we can do
How Much is My Jewelry Worth?
… value, cash wholesale value, and scrap value. Let’s look at an example. Assume a ring is made out of 5 grams of 14k gold and it has a 0.25 carat diamond. It has a gold value, of approximately $121 when gold is $1,300 per ounce, and a …The question: “how much is my jewelry worth?” is not as simple as it may seem. To answer it, we have to first decide which type of worth or value… has different values in different contexts. The main types of value are: intrinsic value, resale value, and appraised value. Intrinsic Value or Cash Value The intrinsic value of jewelry is the simplest and easiest to understand. The …
ABC News Exposes Mail Away Cash for Gold
… to try a local jeweler first. ABC News has done a story on the major Cash for Gold operations that you see advertising on TV. As you will see, their offers are not exactly generous. Arden Jewelers has been buying jewelry in Sacramento…, CA for over 20 years. We have a proven track record of being one of the highest bidders in town . Don’t take a risk mailing your gold away only to get a low ball offer. Sell your jewelry and get cash today from Arden Jewelers