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Gem in the Spotlight: Spinel
…with other gems and even today is often used as a substitute for similar looking stones. In recent years, spinel has started to move out of the shadows and be appreciated in its own right, and we can see why. Its colors rival even the … as the August birthstone! This change was officially made in 2016, but only in the last couple of years have we started to see the majority of the industry get on board. If you know someone born in August, it’s time to get excited. …
Gem in the Spotlight: Iolite
… different colors when observed at different angles, especially with polarized light. Pleochroism is caused by differing absorption of light rays in doubly refractive crystals. Thus, no singly refractive gemstone can exhibit pleochroism. … than Emerald or Topaz. Because of this, some extra care should be taken with your iolite jewelry. Try to avoid wearing it in situations where it might be hit against hard objects to keep it free from cracks and small chips. Iolite is a …
Gem in the Spotlight: Ruby
… believed to protect the wearer from injury and to keep them safe and healthy. Many cultures believed that wearing rubies in battle made warriors invincible and protected them from harm. Innumerable powers have been associated with the … is the most famous ruby, and was originally mined in Myanmar. The Sunrise Ruby was eventually set by Cartier into a ring along with two diamonds weighing a total of 5 carats. In 2015, Sotheby’s put the ring up for auction where it sold …
Types of Necklace Chains
… piece of jewelry. But, what kind of chain is best for you? In this article we’ll introduce you to the staggering variety of necklace (and bracelet) chains that are available right now in the jewelry world. Each one has its own unique … and don’t often snag the pendant bail. They are also relatively strong to support the weight of a pendant during daily wear and tear. Larger link cable chains make a good base for charm bracelets. PROS Wearability – The simple design of …
Jewelry Solder: What You Should Know
Solder is the unseen “glue” that holds most jewelry together. If you have ever had a ring sized, a chain repaired, or your wedding set joined together, you have very likely seen solder in action. But, what … will focus our discussion on gold jewelry, but the same concepts also apply to silver and platinum as well. If your ring is made out of 14 karat gold, you know that approximately 56% of it is gold with the rest being made up by a variety… solder? With solder a different set of alloy metals are used than with regular karat gold with the purpose of lowering the melting point of the finished metal. These metals–usually zinc, cadmium, tin or indium–all have low melting points…
Gem in the Spotlight: Sapphire
… sacred and was worn by priests to show their connection to the sky and heaven. Sapphires were set in the Bishop’s ring as a symbol of unity between the priest, the sky and heaven. Sapphire has been associated with divine favor. The … Anglo-Saxons from 1042-1066, met a beggar one day. King Edward had nothing of value on him except for his sapphire ring, which he generously gave to the beggar. The beggar was really a messenger from God, who later returned the ring to …
What Are Lab Grown Diamonds?
… a simulant. Simulants are gems that look like a real, natural gem but are actually another material. So, a clear or white sapphire can be a diamond simulant because it looks like a diamond. That white sapphire can be natural or, here’s …made (natural vs synthetic), but that it is a substitute that looks like another gem. So, we can say that a man-made white sapphire is a “synthetic sapphire” or that it can be used as a “diamond simulant,” but it would be incorrect to say …
Gem in the Spotlight: Opal
… can be applied to opals to alter their appearance. By far the most common is “sugar” or “smoke” treating a white opal to give it a darker body color. This is a simple treatment that involves placing the stones in a sealed environment … are porous by nature, so small particulates can be absorbed, if the stones are subjected to them for long enough. A white opal can be darkened to have a gray body color, and gray opals can be darkened to have a black body color. A …
Gem in the Spotlight: Garnet
… invites all to become a garnet fan. Garnet is January’s birth stone. January babies born in the midst of cold, white (valley fog) and at times stark surroundings are rewarded with one of the most varying birth gemstones…Garnet. Garnet’s…lore surrounding garnets is that it protects the wearer from nightmares, promotes long-lasting love, and prevents hearing difficulties. It was also a charm against the effects of anger and said to be a calming influence. Some promoted it …