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Tagged: Metal Alloys

Below you will find content on the site that is "tagged" with the topic: Metal Alloys.

Fine Jewelry University

  1. Nickel in jewelry can cause allergic reactions

    What to Do When Your Ring Irritates Your Skin

    There are many solutions when your ring or other jewelry causes skin irritation. The key is to correctly determine the cause of the irritation, and then decide on a solution that works for you. It can be as simple and sizing the ring, removing solder, smoothing out rough spots, or rhodium plating. Or, you may need to consider remaking your ring in a different metal. We are here to help you decide what course is best for you... read more »

  2. A pile of scrap yellow gold jewelry

    Gold Purity and The Differences Between White and Yellow Gold

    Gold, just the word brings to mind value, rarity, wealth, beauty and jewelry. But what is gold? Yes the scientists tell us gold is an element with the chemical symbol Au. We know it is the heraldic metal and it is a rare yellow mineral that is the most malleable and pliable of all metals. Yes, but what does that mean to me? Gold is a beautiful metal that is used to make timeless jewelry. Gold can be bent and molded into elegant engagement rings to show the eternal affection... read more »