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Tagged: Moissanite

Below you will find content on the site that is "tagged" with the topic: Moissanite.

Fine Jewelry University

  1. Unique inclusion in a lab grown diamond

    What Are Lab Grown Diamonds?

    In the simplest terms, lab grown diamonds are diamonds that have been made by people instead of mined out of the earth. If it’s so simple, you might wonder why there’s an entire article below this sentence. The complexity arises from the fact that lots of different terms have been used to describe lab grown diamonds and their cousins, and not everyone uses these terms in the same way. So, let’s begin with some vocabulary. Synthetic. Understanding this term correctly is the key that unlocks this entire question. Synthetic can... read more »

  2. A computer rendering of a fake diamond

    Fake Diamonds: The Great Diamond Attack

    A popular game show would have three people all say that they were someone and the contestant would try to find out who was the real person. Technology has created many new diamonds and diamond lookalikes. “What is a real diamond?” is a difficult question these days. And the problem of separating a fully natural diamond from all the modern possibilities is quite demanding. So what is a real diamond? Let’s start with the older diamond look a likes, (CZ, GGG, YAG, Synthetic corundum and spinal, Glass) or simulants are... read more »

  3. Synthetic Gems: The Whole Story

    Synthetic rubies, emeralds, sapphires, diamonds and more are everywhere. Man made gems come in many forms: every thing from simple glass to high tech chemical tongue twister like gadolinium gallium garnet (also called GGG) and the modern diamond simulant moissanite. Synthetic gems are not bad, fakes, or the curse of a modern society. The more you know about them, the better you can understand their place in our society and in the jewelry world... read more »