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Tagged: Trivia

Below you will find content on the site that is "tagged" with the topic: Trivia.

Fine Jewelry University

  1. A single platinum wedding band


    Platinum is one of the rarest and most durable precious metals. Platinum's rich, white luster enhances the brilliance and will maintain its shining luminosity forever, unlike other white metals which can, in time, turn yellow or tarnish. Platinum is rare, the coveted treasure of discerning individuals. Platinum is one of the strongest and most enduring metals. Some of the world's greatest treasures are set in platinum, such as the Hope Diamond... read more »

  2. Measuring Gold Weight

    The old riddle goes: what weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of gold? Some say gold because it is heavier. Others say they are both a pound so they weigh the same. Both are wrong. How can this be? Tradition. Gold is not weighed in the ordinary weights. Gold is weighed in the troy measurement system. One ounce of gold is not the same as the ordinary ounce (really called avoirdupois ounce). The best way to understand this is to convert them both to a uniform system... read more »


  1. The History of the Engagement Ring

    Wedding bands go way back in history. One example of this is the Ancient Egyptians who were buried wearing rings made of a single silver or gold wire on the fourth finger of their left hands. The wedding band as a ring has no beginning or end and is seen as an ancient symbol of eternal love. The fourth finger of the left hand has symbolism of its own. Ancient peoples believed it to be connected directly to the heart by the “Vena amoris,” which translates to “Vein of Love.”... read more »

Blog Posts

  1. Diamond Selection – 4C’s and an F

    Diamond buying is hard enough. First you have to understand the 4C’s, and then you have to try to judge if diamond certifications are accurate. So, adding one more aspect to the decision making process is too much for some people. But then, here comes fluorescence. The natural response is to keep it simple: if it has fluorescence it’s bad, and if it doesn’t it’s good. Unfortunately, simple does not work here. What is fluorescence? Fluorescence is a form of lumination that is created when a diamond is exposed to... read more »

  2. JCK Las Vegas logo

    Jewelry Industry Gathers in Las Vegas

    This weekend, over 20,000 of the world’s top jewelry companies are gathering in Las Vegas for the JCK jewelry show. Jewelry retailers explore the latest trends and attend some of the year’s most exciting and informative special events. Some of this years events include appearances by hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons, Miss France Valerie Begue, and “American Gladiators” star Mike O’Hearn. Also, one the industry’s preeminent diamond experts, Martin Rapaport will deliver his “State of the Diamond Industry” address. Angelo, Arden Jeweler’s custom design specialist, is attending the JCK show this... read more »