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Art Deco vs Art Nouveau Engagement Rings

In this video we show you the key differences between Art Deco and Art Nouveau jewelry (specifically focusing on engagement rings). You’ll learn about the key features and design ideas that typified each movement and how those concepts were expressed in jewelry. Checkout our full article on Art Deco vs Art Nouveau for a deeper dive.

Art Nouveau

In Art Nouveau jewelry you are going to see organic designs featuring flowing lines and asymmetry. Artists took a lot of inspiration from nature both in the overall freeform aesthetic as well as in the incorporation of specific design elements like vines, insects, and the human form. Art Nouveau engagement rings often feature Old Mine Cut diamonds which were a big improvement over the diamond cuts that came before them.

Art Deco

The Art Deco movement went in almost the complete opposite direction from its predecessor, Art Nouveau. Here you will find bold contrast, modern simplicity, and heavy use of symmetry. Geometric shapes like triangles, arcs, and circles took center stage in jewelry along with other art forms. The Old European Cut diamond was also introduced which was another big step up from the Old Mine Cut making the engagement rings sparkle even more.

If you are in the market for a piece of Art Deco or Art Nouveau jewelry, we would love to help. We have an extensive collection of genuine pieces from both eras. Please feel free to contact us anytime. Or, if you would like a custom piece made using inspiration from either style, we specialize in that kind of work as well.

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